Chapter Eight

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The moment that Beta has been dreading her entire life, and the one we are all eagerly waiting for. Beta is going back to the Mavericks tower 👀😂. Let the games begin!!

Chapter Eight

"I still don't see the tower," Click calls out as we zip up the side of the river. Checking the battery on my board I see it is dangerously low. We should be able to make it; we are less than a mile away.

"There is a barrier around it, I know where it is, don't worry," I call out reassuringly. I can see the faint glimmer and feel the massive electrical charge it is creating. A beep catches my attention and I immediately move to land, but the board just drops from our feet. That's a design flaw if we've ever made one.

"Shit!" I scream and I kick off with all the strength I have as we dive headfirst towards the water. Grabbing Cathleen, I yank down her scarf and pull her close to me as we smash into the icy cold water. Everything lights up in pain as shock consumes me, I try to shove her upwards, but I am quickly losing oxygen. A hand grabs my own and I am pulled upwards and we both break the surface. Floating in the river I see Click jogging along the bank.

"Grab the board," she yells and the board fly's back towards us. I hand it to Cathleen and between her swimming and Click's manipulation they pull her out. Floating along, I don't have the strength to swim and when my foot gets caught on something, I am pulled under. Kicking hard, I can't figure out what I am trapped on. Kicking even harder my foot loosens but my boot tears open. Feeling the metal board next to my hand; I grip it with all my strength, and I am pulled upwards and I climb onto the bank and collapse. Pulling my scarf down, I see Click hovering over me as I try to catch my breath.

"Where is she?" I ask winded.

"She's sitting down over there quietly," Click says and I slowly sit up. Ripping the scarf off my face, I wring out the water as much as I can before rewrapping it.

"Are you alright?" Click asks while squatting down next to me.

"I'm zonked," I admit, I barely have any energy left to stand up.

"Are we even close to the tower?" Click asks and I look around.

"Half a mile max, we can walk it," I say bitterly.

"Let's go, Cathleen," Click says and she pops up to her feet and follows behind us. Collapsing the board, I pull out my phone and see it's smashed, soaked, and it smells oddly burnt. Resisting the urge to chuck it in the river, I put it away and keep walking.

"Are we close?" Click asks me as we approach the barrier.

"Watch this," I say, and I flick my wrist and rip a hole big enough for us to walk through. I hear Click gasp in shock, there it is, the Mavericks tower. No one knows where it is or what it looks like, and for good reason so I am sure it is a little exciting to find out what the elusive building looks like. It's a stunning state of the art tower too, with solar panels that move in the direction of the sun, large glass windows, and a massive training field.

"Wow, I was not prepared for that," Click says and I glance at Cathleen who is drenched and looking around in confusion.

"I've been here before," she says, and I perk up. The sooner she gets her memories back the sooner I can go back to resenting her and pretending she isn't a part of my life anymore.

"Yes, you spend a lot of time here because you're a member of the Mavericks," I tell her, and she bobbles her head.

"What's a Maverick?" She asks me and I groan and stick my thumb on the fingerprint scanner, surprisingly the door unlocks.

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