Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

It's been a few weeks since the monthly debrief and I am thankful to have pulled away from the chaos swirling around the team. It's now the last Saturday in November and Click is starting to cram for end of term exams. She took over the lab table in the corner and I am just working on the three-dimensional modeling table and making massive strides in slimming down the boots. A knock on the door startles me and I take out my headphones and see Alexander standing in the doorway.

"What's wrong?" I ask him confused, I haven't seen him in three weeks, something must be up if he's in my lab.

"Have you seen Avi today? She said she would be here," he says.

"No, the floor has been quiet all morning," I say confused.

"Crap," he says, and I can tell he is starting to panic.

"Maybe she's working out? Didn't someone say she is a gymnast?" I ask wracking my brain quickly.

"Orion already checked the gym, the tower and Cathleen hasn't seen her at home in days," Alexander says, and I pause.

"Then where has she been staying?"

"With me, but she wasn't there when I woke up," he says, and I sigh.

"Did you try calling her?" I ask exasperated and Alexander shoots me a look.

"Five times!"

"Click can you ping her," I say tossing her my phone, she unlocks it and types in the number. She sends a spoof call that won't make the phone ring but is enough to get her location.

"She's in a bad part of town," Click says and I can see her eyes flicking across the screen as she locates Aviva.

"Which part?"

"She's a few blocks from where the warehouse is," Click says and I can see the concern in her eyes. Walking over to the machine, I save and turn it off, throwing my things in my bag Click follows suit and we push Alexander out of the way. Checking the charge on our board, it is fine but with the turf war escalating, we will need vests.

"Let's stop home and grab our vests, change and head out," I say, and Click nods.

"Wait!" Alexander yells as we hit the roof.


"I'm going with you," he says, and I can see he has the boots on. I burst into laughter.

"I don't need you getting underfoot," I say with a laugh and he looks hurt.

"I can handle myself," he snips offended.

"I never said you couldn't, but you will be spotted and mistaken for a cop, I don't need the trouble. We will find Arlington," I say before hooking my board on and taking off. We barely spend a few moments at home before heading out. Click continues to track her location as we book it across the skies. Pulling my red mask higher on my face, I focus as we drop to the ground and catch my board.

"She's right around the corner," Click says and I follow her lead as we duck down a side street and turn the corner.

"Oh boy," Clicks says, and I see Arlington pressed against a wall and four armed men standing around her.

"Carlisle!" I call out and one of them spins around.

"If it isn't Beta and Click, we're kind of in the middle of something ladies," the younger man says, and I chuckle and walk closer to them.

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