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There is going to be one more installment in the series!! The next chapter will have details about the grand finale!!!


The world flips around me as my feet go over my head before I land on the squishy track below my feet. Throwing my hands straight back over my head I realize I did it, I landed a backflip!

"You did it!" Aviva screams excitedly and she runs over to give me a high five. Doing a victory dance on the tumble track I do a perfect round off which Click mimics with ease. We continue to bounce around excitedly for a while, people are gathering for our big meeting before our massive press conference this afternoon. New York City has no clue what is about to hit them. This country has no clue about the changes we're making.

"Look at you three go," Cathleen says excitedly as her wife does an amazing tumbling set.

"How did you end up with an incredibly intelligent and talented, powerful metahuman as your wife?" I tease Cathleen and she laughs and grabs her wife from the track and hugs her. Aviva looks up at her happily.

"I did nothing to deserve her, but am thankful for her every day," my sister says lovingly to her wife and my heart warms. I am glad they were able to work everything out, I know some wounds still need to heal, but they are both trying.

"And I love her with every bit of my heart," Aviva says, and Click giggles.

"They're so sappy I could vomit," Click says fake gagging, and I cackle at that.

"Oh! There is something I found that I really need to show you both," I say, and I yank my phone out of my suit so quickly it flies out of my hand and Aviva catches it with ease. Walking over, she hands it to me, and I unlock the phone and search for the saved images. My gallery is full of photos of our new suits and the updated logos for each team.

"Found it!" I say and I turn my brightness all the way up and flip my phone around. Aviva gasps in shock and I grin under my mask.

"I guess it's safe to say we've met before," I say to her and she takes the phone excitedly to look closer.

"Was this on the server?" Cathleen asks shocked as they stare at the photo.

"Yes," I say.

I can recount every part of the photo; I've been looking at it a lot in the last week. It's a photo of Aviva and I no older than two or three sitting on a playmat of some sorts, Cathleen and Alexander are playing in the background of the photo. Thalia is lying on the ground for some reason and you can see Aviva's mom in the background happily talking to our mother. They both coo over the photo happily and I smile with pride.

"We'll need multiples of this photo," Cathleen says happily, and Aviva agrees.

"We should probably head in soon, the meeting will be starting shortly," Click says excitedly and she shoulder checks me. Shoving her in return, I grab my phone and we all walk inside. When we step off the elevator, I grin like an idiot at the large number of people milling around all in their new suits and boots.

"Hello, hello," I say as Aviva and I take our places at the front of the room. Everyone takes a seat in the chairs pulled over, or on the couch.

"Today is a massively exciting day for the entire Maverick team and I think we are equally anxious for the big reveal today," I say happily, and people cheer and clap. Counting the fourteen metahumans before me, everyone is here but Faith who opted out.

"I want to show everyone what we are putting up online before it goes live later," I say, and I pull up the updated group shots we are putting on our social media later. I swipe through the three photos and I hear murmurs of excitement. The photos had come out excellent.

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