Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

All three of my projects went wrong today, one broke, one short-circuited and caught fire, and the last one I ran out of materials for. Throwing things around angrily, I try to curb my ever-mounting frustration for when Click comes home. I don't want to explode at her, I know she is super stressed with school right about now. Starting to cook dinner, thoughts of things I can mess with flood my brain as I angrily daydream.

"I'm home!" Calikta screams before I hear her boots slamming on the metal stairs. She walks over and stands next to me, looking down at her, I notice the four inches I have on her five-foot-five frame.

"How was your exam?" I ask as I finish cooking.

"I did better on this one," she says confidently, and I give her a small smile in return. She was struggling to get back into the swing of studying and taking exams.

"What's wrong?" She follows up with and I sigh.

"Nothing big, it was just a bad day at work," I say honestly, and she gives me a sympathetic look.

"I figured as such considering you are actually cooking dinner at a normal hour," Click muses sadly before grabbing the pot and serving dinner.

"We should go out tonight," I say.

"Yes!" Click agrees.

"What do you want to do?" I ask her as I check the weather. It's not safe for us to fly in heavy winds or rain.

"I saw those paintballs you whipped up," Click says innocently and I raise an eyebrow.

"You mean the neon green exploding paint pellets I created for that one paintball company a few months ago," I comment. It was a freelance job I did.

"Yes, you made more," Click says excitedly.

"They had a few tweaks and wanted a neon green rather than the yellow," I say, and she bobbles her head.

"Then why do have massive ones at your workstation?" Click asks me and I grin behind my scarf.

"Well you see, the paint is so reflective it could be massively dangerous and blinding, but I was angry today," I say with a shrug, and Click just looks at me amused.

"So, what I am hearing is we should cover Voyager," Click says and I cackle. That thought had certainly crossed my mind once or twelve times today.

"This is why we work," I say as I finish washing the dishes and heading out to change. Making sure I have my boots with the magnets, I yank the mask on my face and head out to the roof where Click is eagerly bouncing around.

"We each get twenty, but when they burst, they explode so try not to get hit with any flying paint or it'll be easy to track us home," I say as we load them into a box that hooks in-between our legs.

"Sounds like a plan," Click says and we both reach a hover before taking off. Turning on my Bluetooth earpiece, I can instantly hear Click humming happily.

"There is no more freeing feeling than this," I say to her as we zip through the skies, avoiding helicopters. Leaning into the wind tunnels, we pick up even more speed and our boards easily keep up. Starting to circle Voyager, I see that some of the lights are still on and shoot up.

"I'll start from the bottom," Click says.

"I'll take the top," I say as I unlock the box and grab the first ball and load it into a makeshift gun. Using the wind to my advantage, I stray further back before firing the massive paintball. It splashes back quickly but I keep moving as I roll the second one into the chamber.

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