Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I spend the next few days on the phone and trying to organize everything. I had to repurchase Click's textbooks and pick up a ton of paperwork for my records. The insurance company says there is nothing they can do until they prove the fire wasn't an act of arson done by us, I am curious as to what they will find when they investigate because I don't know what caused the explosion. I also filed the claim on my lab as well and emailed Nathan all the paperwork, but they also need to do an investigation.

The hotel charges are starting to get crazy expensive and my savings account is dwindling. I need to get back to work soon and find us a place to stay. We can't keep living here, I can't afford it and continue to pay for her school. I am trying to keep quiet about the money because I don't want to worry her, but it's getting harder. Checking my cracked watch, it is almost time for me to leave.

Running around packing things into my large wallet I had shoved in the bottom of my bag, there is a knock on my door that startles me. I wonder if the cleaning crew, I told the front desk not to send them until after we left. Throwing the door open, my blood pressure spikes, and I try to slam it shut.

"Oh, hell no," I spit out angry.

"We need to talk Beta," Lyle says, and I lean the door onto his foot and hear him curse as I crush it. How did they even figure out what hotel I am staying out?

"Leave me alone, I am busy," I grumble, not emotionally prepared to deal with the two men on the other side of the door.

"Get off the door Beta," Lyle says, and I know Alexander will just push it open if I don't move. Giving it a nice whack to add to his hurt foot, I walk away from it and continue to pack.

"Woah," Lyle says as he notices the eight different piles of paperwork.

"My life is a disaster, and yet again it's all Cathleen's fault," I muse angrily and Alexander sighs. Rifling around trying to find my health insurance card, I know it is here somewhere

"Is there anything I can do?" Lyle asks me genuinely and I debate what to say.

"You can leave me alone," I say in a sugar-sweet voice and when I glance up at him, he looks hurt.

"Nice," he says flatly.

"I'm busy right now Caspian's, if you don't have a reason to be here, leave," I say as I finally find the plastic card and shove it in my wallet. Grabbing the wallet, I search for the strap that turns in the stupid thing into a purse.

"Is some of this the insurance paperwork?" Lyle asks and I gesture to three of the larger stacks.

"Yes it is, I hate paperwork, this is why I didn't become a lawyer," I grumble and my phone rings and the door opens.

"I'll be ready in a moment Click," I say, and she just stares at the two men in our hotel room.

"Hi Nathan, I am heading out to a doctor's appointment, is this important?" I ask him exasperated. He has been emailing me constantly about work I am falling behind on. I don't even have a place to live right now.

"I set up a meeting on Friday with Mrs. Arlington about a new game plan on the projects you are working on," he says, and I am shocked by that. I told him I probably wouldn't be back until next week.

"I told you last time you called that I am preoccupied this week trying to get my personal affairs in order," I say trying to keep my tone level. My house was just burned down and he knows that!

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