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Just as Felix had told him, Chan left Felix alone.

Felix found it weird, that he didn't bother him at all, not even to ask him any questions about when the bills would be paid.

But he didn't mind, at least not enough to figure out how the Hell it was possible for Chan to leave him alone.

It was nice not to be bothered at all, really. Even if it had only been a day. It was a nice shift from his past roommates to the current one, aside from who he was.

Oh well.

Felix had woken up the next morning just before six to allow himself time to wake up, and when he walked out of his room wearing the same sweats and hoodie from the night before, his eyes fell on Chan.

Beside him on the table was a very, very large Yeti cup. Felix found it hard not to think about what was in the cup.

He just shrugged Chan's presence off, not even bothering to acknowledge him any longer than he already had. The man didn't deserve his thoughts.

Felix rubbed his face with the palm of his hand, letting out a sound similar to that of a dog's growl. He then stopped in front of the older coffee pot that his parents had very kindly donated (read: gave him so they could keep his Keurig) and reached into the cupboard above it to pull out the llama cup he stole from Hyunjin the year before.

Pouring himself some of the coffee, Felix yawned, and then set the pot down in its place and turned around to wall back towards his room, bringing the mug to his lips without bothering to let it cool off.

Letting coffee cool off was for pussies.

Though, let's just throw it out there that it would have been wise to let it cool off.

Setting the mug down on his dresser, Felix coughed into his hand after registering the heat that had just burned down his throat.

"Son of a bitch, that hurt," he breathed, sticking his tongue out and pinching it gently between his fingers.

After he was finally left with a funny feeling on his tongue, Felix just walked over to his closet and fished out a pair of paint covered overalls (that were a bit too baggy) and a black t'shirt.

Once he had wiggled himself out of his sweats and put on his shirt, as well as the overalls, he walked over to his bed and flopped down on it.

Curse deciding to take eight AM painting and art classes.

Swallowing thickly, he rolled on the bed slightly and reached towards the wobbly bedside table to grab his phone.

Pressing the power button, Felix glanced at the time and sighed. It was barely past six thirty.


Dropping off of his bed and to his knees, he buried his face in the messy bed sheets and let out a long groan.

It was going to be a long day.

After a couple minutes of sitting with his face hidden in the sheets, Felix stood up and fixed only half of his bed to whatever abilities he figured he had. He then walked towards the small dresser and opened it, yanking out a pair of socks.

They had little cows on them. Therefore, they were superior.

And then putting them on while standing. After hopping every other second on one foot, he successfully pulled them onto his feet.

Grabbing his coffee, Felix then left his room once again and brought the cup to his lips. He took slow, small steps towards the small coffee table and grabbed his laptop off of it, turning it so that it faced him before he sat down on the floor.

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