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With four extra folding chairs squished around their little circle table, all six people were sandwiched against each other.

Jinsoul had her shoulders uncomfortably pressed to Felix's, and Felix had his shoulder pressed to Chan's. Only Felix was intentionally leaning into Chan.

It wasn't that he didn't like Jinsoul, he just didn't want- nor liked -being touched. Nothing against the blonde girl.

"Channie." Felix internally cringed. "Can you pass me the ham? And the eggs."

Chan nodded his head, lightly pushing the plate of ham towards him, and then pushed the eggs in his direction as well.

Felix's dad cleared his throat, and Felix shifted uncomfortably. "So, Christopher. How did you meet Felix?"

He could hear the disappointment in his father's voice- even if it was all in his head. He wasn't sure which was which.

His father- despite seeming supportive of his homosexuality -certainly wasn't the biggest fan of it. Though, Felix couldn't really say he didn't expect it from his Christian father. He did; though, he expected worse. So, his current situation wasn't something he was going to complain about.

Not when he knew that he could have so much worse.

"We're actually in the same chemistry class," Chan said softly, offering the older man a smile. "Just decided to move in together to split the bills and make it easier on the both of us."

Felix let out a sigh. At least Chan was willing to cover up the fact that he was paying seventy-five percent of the bills.

His dad's lips turned into a small smirk, and Felix knew that smirk all too familiarly. His dad felt like he had won. Felix knew his dad thought he won.

"So, my son finally got his head out of his ass and started to pursue an actual career?" His father's words took a stab at Felix's heart. "I'm glad you've finally got your shit figured out, boy."



Felix's hand immediately fell onto Chan's leg- not that he intended for it to -and he shook his head. He didn't want to hear his dad's- nor his mom's -slander of his career choice. And he hoped that Chan would understand that.

To his relief, Chan didn't say anything. After a second, Felix retracted his hand from Chan's leg, draping it over his own lap.

"So, what are you majoring in now, then?" His mom asked, her voice too high pitched.

He clenched his jaw. "I'm majoring in nunya."

"Don't smart off to your mother, Felix. It's just a question."

His jaw clenched again, and he began to bounce his knee out of irritation. He loved his parents. He did.

But he also hated them.

A lot.


Felix sighed softly. "It doesn't matter what I'm majoring in if I'm not doing it for you, so what does it matter?"

Olivia snorted beside their father, who elbowed her to shut her up.

Chan lightly cleared his throat, glancing over at Felix before he tilted his head towards the kitchen. The older male then leaned down slightly.

"Can I talk to you?" His whisper ghosted over his ear, and Felix hid a chill with a curt nod.

The two of them stood up slowly, and walked into the kitchen to at least get out of earshot (when whispering, that is) from his relatives and Jinsoul.

"I really don't think your dad likes me," Chan muttered, sending Felix's father a glare through the corner of his eyes. "And they really don't support your career choice? That's absolutely ridiculous!"

Felix sucked in a deep breath. "He doesn't like the fact I'm with a man! And we aren't even dating, and I sure as fuck don't think we're selling it, either."

He then stiffened once he realized what he had said. Because, truthfully, he didn't like the ideas that came to mind about 'selling' that they were together. Though, he quickly released a sigh to relax, and then looked up at Chan again.

It wouldn't hurt to answer his questions from this morning's conversation with Jeongin, would it?

No, certainly not. It may taint his ego, just a little bit, but it's not like it was going to kill him.

Besides, it's not like it'd be a bad thing to kiss Chan.

Scratching back all previously established claims that he waited until he had a serious connection to a person before kissing them, Felix raised his eyes towards Chan again as the older looked at him expectantly.

"Sell it."

The older male scrunched up his nose slightly. "How am I supposed to sell it? There's not much I can do without touching you, and I've lived with you long enough to know you don't want that." He hissed.

Felix forced his face to remain soft, through the hardened glare that he was currently sending at him. "How you sell it is you stop being a pussy," he snapped, taking a bold step forward and lightly grabbing Chan's chin in his own hand, "it's not that hard."

Felix then turned away from Chan and walked back towards the table.

Before he could get to the table- before he got half way to the table, actually -his wrist was grabbed lightly, and he was tugged back so that he was facing the older male.

He swore his throat got caught in his heart.

Or was it his heart in his throat?

Chan squeezed his waist with his hand slightly, and Felix felt like falling and melting through the floor, "Ch-Chan what're you-"

"I wasn't done talking to you," Chan growled, and Felix wasn't sure if it was sincere or if it was just an act that he was putting on. "I'd tell them you're still an art major before they expect you to become a neurosurgeon."

Felix tugged himself back slightly, his eyebrows furrowed. Chan just pulled him right back to his chest.

"I'm not joking."

Mindlessly, Felix nodded his head, his eyes turning down to the ground and made his way back to the table once Chan let him go.

His cheeks were flushed pink, in embarrassment. Not necessarily because of what Chan had just done to him.

But because he enjoyed it.

-    /    -

a/n || what he dont know (wont hurt him)
dont know (wont hurt him)
dont know (wont hurt him)

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