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Had Chan just kept his beautiful mouth shut, all would have been fine. But, no, Chan just had to talk to him about his lack of food intake that morning.

It was sincerely none of his business- Felix ate when he could, and when he could afford to do so. It wasn't just 'eat what you want when you want'. As much as he wished for it to be that way.

He knew he shouldn't have answered so snarkily before he left, but it just happened.

He just didn't have the money to do that kind of thing, he barely had the money to pay his bills. Chan may have had the money to do that, but Felix?

Felix didn't.

As much as he wished he did, he certainly didn't.

He released a tiny sigh. How could someone have so much money that they figured that they could eat breakfast? That they figured anyone was able to eat breakfast, let alone anything that would be able to throw them through the day.

Besides, Felix rarely ate breakfast. If he did, it was more than likely a piece of fruit or something out of Hyunjin's kitchen. Most days, he didn't eat breakfast.

Or lunch.

Sometimes he skipped out on dinner. But that was only when he legitimately didn't have any food in his kitchen. Hear him out. He was busy, had no money. Dinner was really the least of his worries.

Graduating college was the most of his worries and it was going to stay that way.

It was just like that being a broke college student who couldn't finish a project that he was currently working on.

Besides, who wanted a mediocre painter's art hung on their wall?

This was completely ignoring all the people who sell their black canvases with neon pink butt or tit prints. 'All art is still art', sure, but Felix couldn't find the appeal of seeing someone's bare butt on their wall.

Felix certainly couldn't figure out who would want his art hung on the wall, either- maybe aside from Hyunjin and Changbin depending on what it was. Maybe his parents.

The only thing Felix had painted that he has on his own wall, was a picture of him and Hyunjin that he had painted using an awkward picture that Changbin had taken.

They burned that picture. The painting was better.

But otherwise, he didn't have paintings. He had sketches of his old dog on his wall, but that was about as close as it got.

So, yes, he was very, very broke and still very, very stuck in a rut.

Oh well.

Felix drew in a deep breath again as he approached the building.

As soon as he had weaved his way through the few students who were lingering in the halls earlier than they were even supposed to be in the building, Felix entered the art room.

It was empty, for the most part- aside from the professor and the two other students who were in there helping pull out the oils and the acrylics. Among the two of them was Jeongin- a tall high school boy.

He was cute, really- at least in Felix's eyes. He had heard Jeongin claim that he was an adult and could do the things that adults did, but he was still so innocently cute.

Except for when he decided to paint a phallic symbol in the corner of one of his pieces. Then the innocence was quickly replaced with childish playfulness.

Beside him was Choi Yeonjun, his hair combed back into a ponytail.

With a deep breath, Felix walked towards one of the back tables, dropping his bag on top of it before he sat down in the chair. A quick patter of footsteps quickly neared him, and then the chair by the table in front of him whirled around.

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