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Did Felix fall asleep in Chan's bathtub while listening to a true crime podcast (so not because he enjoyed it) a few minutes after he finished his homework?

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't- whether or not that is true was something that was forever going to remain between Felix and Chan.

After he had gotten his clothes on, however, it was already an established rule that they were not going to speak about Chan nonchalantly walking into his bathroom and shrieking the moment he saw Felix knocked out in his bathroom, and then Felix banging his foot on the faucet.

Not once had they spoken about it after they both awkwardly left their own respective rooms and plopped down on the couch.

"So..." Chan muttered softly, fumbling with his hands in his lap.

Felix chewed on his bottom lip slightly. "So."

Once again, the pair fell into an awkward state of silence, leaving them both to fiddle their fingers in their laps.

"What do you want to watch?" Felix asked a moment later, forcing himself to roll his shoulders back in an attempt to relax himself. "Don't tell me you don't know, either. Because if that's what you say you may not like what I pick."

The latter arched an eyebrow and looked at him, head slightly cocked to the side. "I don't know what I want to watch."

Raising his eyebrows, Felix rolled his shoulders back again and snatched the TV remote up from the small table. He then stood up and walked himself to the little stand that was beneath the TV. With little to no second thoughts, Felix slipped one of the many pink cases.

There was a brief weight looming over his shoulder, and then he heard a snort. This caused his head to turn and he met Chan's inquisitive gaze.

"Barbie in the Nutcracker? We're going to watch..." Chan trailed off, motioning over Felix's shoulder at the soft pink case. "A Barbie movie?"

Felix wiggled a single eyebrow at Chan as he stood up. "I'll have you know that the Barbie series is a cinematic masterpiece. These movies are unmatched. Unbeatable. And you didn't want to pick something, so I chose this."

Besides, Chan did tell Felix he was choosing something to watch.

"Now, my dear sweet boyfriend, while I put the movie in, you should go make some food," he said, pressing the eject button on the DVD player.

He heard a snort- yet again -over his shoulder, before Chan's footsteps faded into the kitchen. Smiling triumphantly, Felix popped the disc from the case and pressed it into the player, before he jumped up and walked back to the couch.

Suddenly, a plastic bag smacked the side of his head and dropped down against the cushion of the couch, causing his attention to fall beside him. His eyes then raised towards Chan, who was smiling at him apologetically.

"Chips are not a meal."

Chan's lips quirked up into a small smirk. "No, but you are."

Upon hearing Chan's statement, Felix's jaw slacked slightly, and his brows furrowed against his forehead.

This guy-

Felix narrowed his eyes at the older, watching as he faltered underneath is glare. His faltering only lasted a brief moment, and then he had sat himself down beside Felix after tossing the bag of whatever chips back into his lap.

"Start your movie, my dear, the nutcracker Barbie awaits your arrival."

With a light shake of his head, Felix grabbed the remote again and pressed the fast forward button to skip to the menu.

Chan noisily fumbled with the bag beside him, unable to get a grip on it. The blond raised an eyebrow at him as he struggled, watching as the beginning of the movie played on the TV screen.

"You having some problems there, dude?" He asked, his lips twitching upwards when Chan froze and looked up at him.

Chan was quick to deny the claims, eyes narrowed for only a moment, and then his attention went back to the bag before he finally- finally, after what seemed like an eternity -got it open. He smiled triumphantly, and Felix just watched as he childishly stuck his tongue out at the bag as if it would emotionally wound it.

In that moment, Felix was very very glad that Chan decided that they were going to be having a 'stay at home date' as opposed to a date in public. He was completely unaware of how much of a complete and utter fool his boyfriend actually was.

Though, in the long run, his silly behavior was something he knew he'd have to get used to- it was just simply odd. Seeing Chan so relaxed that he would openly sneer at a bag of chips for being uncooperative.

With a roll of his eyes and a click of his tongue, Felix tucked his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, chin resting gently on top of his knees.

"First you dude-zone me and then don't even bother scooting closer to me," Chan huffed, "I see how it is."

Felix's nose scrunched up, and he turned his head to give Chan a feigned look of disgust. Regardless, though, he glanced down at the little gap that was placed between them, and let out a small breath. Using his hands to scoot himself over, Felix stopped when his side as pressed against Chan's.

His attention to the TV afterwards remained unwavered, though, not even bothering to pay attention to the rustling of the Chips when Chan had put them on the table not even five minutes in.

At least it was established that the movie was more important than food. Because, obviously, the logical choice was to pay more attention to Barbie than to pay attention to the way the demon that possessed your stomach is trying to kindly speak to you.

Though, Felix would have been damned if Chan didn't end up knocked out right beside him, half way through the somewhat childish movie, despite the way that his stomach was growling and practically begging to be fed.

And, of course: that's exactly what had happened. Though, to not only Chan; but to Felix (who was comfortably curled up into Chan's side), too.

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a/n || hello

i got sick,,, then crisis :thinking: anyway heres an update to celebrate my conclusion of names doobie doobie doobie

the epilogue will be a bit longer 😔 and published tomorrow or the day after idk yet we'll see

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