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With his heel bouncing in anticipation, Felix stared off of the stage. Throughout his own dancing- somehow -he had managed to hunt down Chan in the audience, leaning against one of the walls towards the back.

What made it worse was that he was now closer to the stage while the judges were announcing winners from each category.

He, Hyunjin and Minho had placed fourth- which earned them each a medal, he was okay with this -for their group dance, having been beat by a group that lived over an hour away from where they were.

Though, he had to admit, they were a good group- they deserved that. As did the other two groups that performed.

Now that it was nearing his own category, he was growing antsy. Not that he wasn't already antsy to begin with.

His breath caught in his throat the moment the judges began to speak and the rest of his dance team was standing behind him, muttering soft words of hope in his direction and offering pats of comfort.

"Fifth place, Park J..."

He forced a breath into his lungs, peeling his eyes open to meet Chan's gaze. The older just nodded his head softly, gently motioning for Felix to breathe in, and then out.

Felix hated how nervous he was, and why he was so nervous. He knew it wasn't just because of the placement.

He kept his eyes on Chan, watching as he continued to gesture for Felix to breathe, or try to breathe. He had even missed when they called the fourth place name out.

But it didn't matter then. It wasn't him.

"Third place, Kang Yeo..."

Felix held his hands together in front of him, barely glancing over at the judge that was on the podium in front of them, before he looked at Chan again.

"Second place, Felix Lee."

After hearing his name, he choked on his tongue, glancing down at Chan, and then up to the woman that was now carrying him a tiny trophy, followed by an envelope.

Behind him, Hyunjin and Minho both shook at his shoulders. Hyunjin had then snatched the small trophy out of his hands, knocking him in the ear with its base before he observed it intently.

Felix just laughed out of nervousness, out of joy. He swore he started crying after a while.

As soon as they were dismissed off of the stage, to leave or do whatever it was they were to do afterwards, Felix managed to snatch his silver trophy out of Hyunjin's hands, holding it in his own hand with his tongue sticking out.


Turning his head, his eyes landed on a wavy haired girl, who was smiling widely at him. He returned the smile slightly. "Hey, Keziah. What're you even doing here?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders, gently nudging Hyunjin with her shoulder afterwards as a hint. "A little birdy told me you were going to win a competition and I really couldn't miss it."

"I'm glad you could make it then," Felix said, lowering his head to hide his face away from the girl before he turned his head over his shoulders and stood up on his toes.

"Who are you looking for?"

He turned his head back towards the girl, offering her a small smile before he handed her the trophy as well as the envelope. He figured- yeah, just figured -that she was more trustworthy with that stuff than Hyunjin would have been.

"I have a move to go make on someone," Felix responded simply, clearing his throat as he nodded a small thanks to the girl, and whirled on his heels to look over the heads of everyone else.

Once his eyes landed on a familiar mop of blond hair. Felix's smile widened, and he slowly weaved his way through the crowd of people to approach him.

Besides, that man was his ride. He had to find him one way or another.

Chan turned around slightly, his own lips turning into a small smile as Felix approached him. "You did ama-"

Felix captured Chan's lips with his own before he could continue, resulting in a muffled noise from Chan's mouth, the older's chin lightly held in Felix's hand.

It didn't take long for the older male to melt into the kiss he initiated, his hands slowly falling to Felix's sides just as Felix's slowly lowered to Chan's shoulders.

Chan's lips were soft- not that he didn't imagine them to be -but it made him not want to pull away.

Which caused the next question to rise.

Felix pulled away, his lips still barely grazing Chan's as he let out a tiny laugh. "What kind of chapstick do you use?"

Chan hummed, and Felix felt his hand lightly landing on his cheek before his thumb brushed over his cheekbone. "Some EOS apricot stuff that my sister got me for Christmas. It smells better than it tastes, I swear on my unborn children."

"I wasn't asking because it tasted funny," Felix giggled, pulling further away from Chan before leaning back, "I was asking because your lips are soft as fuck."

"Technically, fucking isn't soft," Chan clarified randomly, combing a hand through Felix's hair. "But yes, go off."

"Ew," Hyunjin laughed. "Yucky yucky yucky."

There was a soft yelp from from behind Felix, and he furrowed his eyebrows at him as Minho hissed something into the pink-haired male's ear.

Hyunjin then had an expression of feigned offense. "I did not take a picture of them! That would be weird, and I, Hwang Hyunjin, am not weird."

Felix rolled his eyes, turning to look at Chan before he stepped out of his embrace. "By the way, you look hot in my hoodie. You should wear it more often."

The older male chuckled softly, "I suppose so."

"Wait! I have an idea!" Hyunjin exclaimed, "We should go on a quadruple date. Minho and Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin, me and Hyunjin, and you two! So you can finally finalize our relationship. And! It can be celebratory."

Felix raised his eyes to look at Chan, his eyebrows raised as he pondered Hyunjins proposition. Chan just shrugged his shoulders, and felix looked back at Hyunjin. "Let's do it then."

Before they began to leave, Felix froze, narrowing his eyes in Hyunjin's direction. "And we are not going to a bar."

"Rats," Chan said softly, hooking his arm around Felix's waist, "I was really looking forward to seeing what kind of drunk you were."

Felix softly elbowed Chan's stomach. "Shut your mouth before I make you eat your chapstick."

"He's a clingy drunk, just for your general information. Clingy and sad."

"Shut up!"

Chan laughed softly, tugging Felix so that their hips bumped together slightly while they walked. "How cute, princess."

"We're going to McDonalds. I'm broke."

This time Minho turned around, head tilted slightly. "But you just won a bunch of money?"

Felix narrowed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the older male in front of him. "I said we're going to McDonalds. I'm broke."

"Why not go to Arby's or something?"

Felix blinked at Hyunjin. "Would you like to go to Whole Foods instead?"

Hyunjin laughed softly, grabbing Minho's arm and began to walk further towards the car they had driven there. "Looks like we're going to McDonalds."

"That was hot," the male beside him teased, a smile evident in his words.

Turning his head up slightly, Felix arched an eyebrow at him. "Shut up before I steal your car keys and leave you here."

Chan then raised his free hand and straightened his back, saluting to Felix before dropping his hand. "Sir, yes sir."

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a/n || kissy kissy 😗😗

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