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Felix blinked up at the pink haired male staring down at him, eyebrows furrowed as he leaned against the table.

Yeonjun had taken it upon himself to start questioning Felix after he had missed the class the week before. He knew that it was bound to happen- seeing as the news of him and Chan being together got out somehow.

That much, he assumed, was because of Megan. Though, overall, it worked in their favor. Many people didn't particularly care- and while some were overall upset ("oh, so the boy no one knows got him instead," but Felix tried not to pay attention to those comments as much) but they were left alone otherwise.

Thank fuck, really. Not really for his own sake, but for the sake of anyone else's face.

He wouldn't have hesitated to punch them.

"You didn't care to tell me that you were getting it from your roommate? Damn, I thought I stood a chance," he complained- though he was obviously feigning the disappointment -as he dropped down into the chair. "How is he?"

Felix stared at him, eyebrows raised slightly as he cocked his head to the side at the bold question that he didn't even know how to answer. If he knew the answer, he'd answer.


"I'm not looking to find out for a little bit," Felix responded bluntly, tugging out a small case of expensive colored pencils (curse Chan and his desire- "need" as he called it -to spend money on him for no reason) and setting them down in front of him.

Yeonjun let out a tiny laugh. "Then do you think I could find out?"

Immediately, his eyes raised from his beloved colored pencils- that he may or may not have been touching gently, who knew -and landed on Yeonjin. His hand slowly fell to the little charcoal pencil he had laying beside the box, gripping the pencil in his fist as he raised it.

It looked like a load of emotions washed right over Yeonjun's face as he wordlessly threatened him with the pencil, offering Felix a smile and light movements of his hands. "No need to be hasty now-" 

Felix jerked his arm forward, and Yeonjun immediately stood up, his chair screeching against the ground as he leapt away. "Heo Chan!"

"Not my problem," Heo Chan- a late transfer student that Yeonjun had begun pestering before Felix showed up -said nonchalantly, putting his earbuds in his ears to block out the sound of Yeonjun's pleads.

He rolled his eyes as he set down the pencil once again, looking at the black marks that it left behind on the palm of his hands and pads of his fingers. He made a soft sound with his tongue against the back of his teeth, wiping the dark color onto his pants before he returned his gaze to the colored pencil.

"So you and Chan finally got together, huh?" Jeongin questioned, sitting down on the chair Yeonjun previously threw himself out of to avoid a rage filled charcoal pencil.

Felix puckered his lips slightly, scrunching up his nose in the process. "It's been more than a week. It's old news."

The latter chuckled softly, shrugging his shoulders as his eyes turned up towards the teacher as she set down a couple of papers in front of Felix- his own art work, before moving on to handing things to the other two that were in the front of the class.

"That's Chan." Jeongin pointed at the paper that was resting on top.

Felix's eyebrows furrowed. "Duh. Of course it's Chan, I'm not blind."

A finger gently landed on the light blue sticky note that was at the top corner, pointing at the date. "That was the day that you snapped at Yeonjun and said you didn't like Chan."

He was going to retort, but snapped his mouth closed right after and sent Jeongin a glare for the comment.

Jeongin smiled, chin raised slightly as he let out a tiny laugh. "Look at that character development. Now you can willingly draw Chan without saying you hate him!"

Clearing his throat, Felix stared down at the sticky note, only to shrug his shoulders. "Only the best."

"I wonder if you inserted him in your story," Jeongin lifted his head slightly and looked at the ceiling, Felix staring at him with furrowed eyebrows.

Blinking slightly, Felix scrunched up his nose and sighed. Had he put Chan in his story? Even the subtle mention of him? He wasn't sure- he figured he may have done such, but the exact references weren't clear to him.

Not in the slightest.

Lightly, Felix scratched at his upper lip and arched an eyebrow. "Maybe." Seconds afterwards, it clicked in his mind, and he turned to look at Jeongin before he furrowed his eyebrows. "I did."

"Ooooooh~ are you going to tell him?"

He snorted a laugh. "Lol, no."

Jeongin stared at him, eyebrows furrowed. "Did you just say 'lol' out loud? Never talk to me again, I don't know you."

Releasing a huff as he rolled his eyes, Felix leaned forward and gathered the few pictures he had sketched and set them aside. "I'll never say it again in your presence. Actually, I'll just never say it again."

"Felix," the teacher called from the front of the classroom, "someone brought you something."

Inhaling, Felix stood up and walked towards the front of the classroom, head cocking to the side slightly when Chan stepped into the room holding a jacket in his hand.


A small 'huh' was heard on the other side of the room, and Felix turned to look at Heo Chan, just as Yeonjun whispered something to him. With a snicker of his own, he turned and looked at Chan again, his head still tilted to the side.

"It's supposed to rain, I'm not going to be able to pick you up after classes are over, Changbin wants 'help with his half of the wedding planning' even though he has no idea what he's doing."

Felix took the hoodie into his hand, an eyebrow arched slightly. "Are they still arguing over pomegranates?"

His boyfriend nodded his head. "They're still arguing over pomegranates."

Nodding his head softly, he stepped forward and pressed a small kiss to Chan's cheek. "Go to class, loser. I'll see you tonight. You're cooking."

"Great, we're going to have a date. Think about what movie series you want to watch or something."

Before Felix could counter, Chan pressed a small kiss to his nose and began to walk off, presumably to his class.

"I can't believe you just kissed him in front of my pencils," the art teacher joked, motioning back towards Felix's seat again.

Sticking his tongue out at the woman, he turned and walked towards his chair again.

"Gay." Jeongin pointed at Felix, giving him a smile.

Felix pointed back at him. "Gay."

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a/n || mmmmmgay i dont like this chapter but im not feelin okay so its fine idc

34 and then epilogue 🤔

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