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Felix didn't know what he was expecting when his younger sister decided to call him while he was on his way home from dance practice.

The two of them didn't have an awful relationship- it was like every other younger sister older brother relationship you'd encounter. They had their moments, as every family did. But Felix wasn't expecting her to call.

Let alone for anything but a little money.

So, when Olivia called to tell him that their parents were planning a bit of a 'surprise' visit with one of Olivia's friends, Felix was- to say the least -surprised.

It wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for his mom and dad weren't dragging Olivia's friend- a girl named Jinsoul -yet, that's just what they were doing.

He didn't know why they tried so hard; he had made it perfectly clear to them that he didn't have any interests in females. Sure, they were pretty, and he would compliment them if he found them to be such. But he wouldn't date, let alone marry, one.

Releasing a sigh, Felix stepped into the apartment and immediately dropped his back to the floor beside the door. Chan peered over his shoulder as Felix kicked his shoes off impatiently.

"What's got you in a rush?" Chan questioned, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Felix's jaw clenched slightly as he shrugged his hoodie off of his shoulders and tossed it on the couch, reaching down to pull his sucks off his feet before chucking them into his room. "Family. Surprise visit. Do we have any salad? Also, boil a few eggs while you're over there please, thanks."

Without waiting for Chan to respond, Felix walked into his own room and fished through his closet before he pulled out a shirt, tossing it over his shoulders slightly before grabbing a pair of sweats.

It was family. It wasn't like he was meeting a billionaire.

With his clothes now thrown over his shoulder, Felix walked into the bathroom with a heavy sigh, dropping his clothes on the counter before he swung the curtain's to the bath back.

Immediately, his eyes fell on a small spider sitting in the corner of the tub, and he swung the curtains closed and turned on his heels. He snatched his clothes back into his hand, and grabbed the towel off of the rack and walked quickly from the bathroom and into the living room again.

"Uh, so, I have a quick question. Actually, two."

Chan then turned his attention away from the stove, eyebrows raised at Felix. "Shoot."

He clicked his tongue. "One, is it okay if I use your shower?" He held his hands together with the towel draped over them in front of his stomach. "Two, is it okay if I use your soap or whatever? I won't use like, a lot, I just need to use some."

The other blond nodded his head softly. "I guess?" He hummed softly as he turned around, and Felix simply watched as he moved. "What's wrong with your shower, and your things, though?"

"That's a funny story, so, uhm, it all belongs to a spider now. Whatever, if he wants to smell like rosemary and mint let him. Thank you."

Without another word, Felix whirled on his heels again and made his way towards Chan's bathroom.

Being in his room made Felix scared to touch anything. Even the floor, scared that it would collapse or he'd cause something to shake and topple over.

Whatever. One mission. Take a shower.

Once he managed to shower, he didn't even bother looking at the things that Chan had in his bathroom. Hell, he didn't even look at the kind of shampoo- nor his body wash -that Chan had.

He just knew that it smelled good, and that that was probably a part of the reason why his clothes smelled so good. Not that he would ever, ever admit such things.

All that mattered in that moment was that Chan's bathroom was spider free. He didn't need another spider incident like the last time.

Once he had finally put on his change of clothes, Felix walked out of the bathroom with slow, soft steps, aiming to get to his room without causing any other noises other than the light footsteps.

He did so, until he ran very gracefully into the doorframe on the way out of his own room.

Felix grumbled as he made his way towards the kitchen, dragging his feet reluctantly. He grabbed the handle on the fridge and pulled it open, lips puckered slightly before he let out another sigh.

"What do you mean, 'surprise visit'? I didn't get a chance to ask earlier."

The blond scrunched up his nose, and then closed the fridge door and sighed. "My family is coming over. A last minute surprise for us. I'm sorry you didn't get an update in advance."

Chan then released a small sigh, pressing his lips together as he nodded his head. "And you keep sighing, and for why?"

"They're going to try and set their gay son up with his sister's best friend. You satisfied, information hound?"

There was a beat of silence, and then Felix heard a sigh. "Yeah, I guess. But, there's a really easy way to get them to stop trying to set you up with someone you don't want to be with."

Felix turned around slightly, meeting Chan's eyes as Chan began to peel the egg and toss the broken shell into the trash can.

"Date someone else. Or, pretend to." He raised his eyebrows as he looked at Felix. "It'd certainly work."

The blond narrowed his eyes at Chan, grabbing the bowl of whatever green vegetables were inside it on the counter. "What exactly are you implying?"

Chan's lips turned up into a tiny smile, and Felix set the bowl down on the counter just where it had been before he picked it up. He pulled his hands away from said bowl, staring at Chan in disbelief.

"You're suggesting that I pretend to date you, my roommate, who I barely even want to interact with on most days?"

The latter just nodded his head slightly.

Felix swallowed thickly, "I don't think-"

A knock was heard from the other side of the apartment, and Felix slowly turned his head to look at the door before turning to look back at Chan just as slowly.

"On second thought," Felix said softly, "maybe just for today."

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