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You know the feeling of disappointment when someone- or yourself, even -lets you down? The subtle heartache and disappointment that weighs down your shoulders when they fail to keep your spirits up?

The thought that you'd be able to trust someone, something, and it just gives out and proves you wrong?

The feeling of betrayal, of disappointment.

That is exactly what Felix felt the moment the stupid sweatpants began to slide down his waist and threatened to fall down completely. What more could he have expected of a pair of sweatpants that were A, too big for him and B, were missing their drawstrings. There wasn't much that he expected.

But he didn't want to change them. Why? Because he already had them on. He didn't change his clothes until he showered. That's how this worked.

And it's not like anyone else was in his apartment- the little area that he was in (which just meant he moved the couch, little coffee table, and anything else in his way towards a wall) was empty, and the windows were closed.

It was simply... irritating, one would say. Having to pull the sweats up each time he stood up or felt them dropping off to the side a little too much.

Not to mention the fact that, each time he screwed up trying to come up with a new part of the choreography, he had to restart the song. He could only listen to so much Goodbye to Goodbye before he felt like sobbing his eyes out.

For the nth time, Felix hit the back button, rolling his shoulders out as he began what he had worked out for the choreography.

Once he had gotten to the part that involved him laying on the floor, the apartment door opened, and Felix just stayed on the floor, laying limply on his back as he stared at the ceiling.

Well this was awkward.

"What the hell are you doing on the floor, Felix?"

Felix hummed, raising a hand slightly before he shrugged his shoulders. "Dancing?" He scoffed, asking it as if it was obvious to Chan that he was laying on the floor. "Why else would the furniture be everywhere but the center?"

Chan nodded his head softly, slowly. "Yeah, and, you aren't listening to a sad song?"

"Shut up, you dickless stroopwafel." Felix grumbled under his breath, slowly sitting up and reaching over to pause the music on his phone. "So what if I wanted to sit and cry on the floor? What're you gonna do, kick me out?"

The latter just looked at him, his eyebrows furrowed as his gaze traveled up and down his body for a brief moment.

"No, but really, I was dancing, I just. Didn't get up. Because the pants would fall."

Chan raised his eyebrows slightly, "yeah and I'm going to believe that."

He clenched his jaw, and then stood up, standing right in front of Chan with his arms by his sides, barely holding the sweats up.

Slightly, Felix wobbled back and forth, and lo and behold, exposed his Shrek printed undergarments.

Don't ask. They were from Hyunjin.

"Tell me they won't fall again and I will boil your incisors."

Chan's hands immediately raised to his lips, gently feeling over the skin. Felix just snorted triumphantly and tugged the sweats back up around his waist.

"Why do you like to threaten my bones? I kind of need those and you're threatening them, and for what?"

Felix took a step forward, an eyebrow arched as he glared up at Chan. "Because I don't like you. You and your need for bones doesn't and will not keep me from taking them while you are sleeping. That's why."

"The fact that you're wearing my clothes kind of tells me otherwise."

He stiffened slightly, and then glanced down at his legs, as well as his chest, only to look back up at Chan. "To be fair, I got slushied because of you. You owed me pants anyway. This." He motioned towards himself. "Is your way of making that up to me."

At this, Chan gave Felix a look- his eyebrows raised slightly and his lips puckered. "Was me telling Megan off not enough for you, princess? If I don't recall, she was the one that did it, she won't be doing it again because of me, either."

Felix swallowed, and then blinked over at the male and shook his head slightly. That did make sense, and Chan did do something he technically didn't have to do- considering it didn't seem like he knew of this chick until then -twice in a row.

But, at the same time, Felix did get slushied because of Chan. Megan did get mad at him for being in the same car as Chan. It all led back to Chan: and he didn't blame him entirely, no. Of course not.

How could he. Chan was perfect. He couldn't blame someone just because they were perfect.

He snorted softly, turning on his heels with the band of the sweats in his hand as he made his way to the couch, still pressed against a different wall. He then dropped onto it, face first in the cushion, and let out a huff.

Felix then shifted himself so that he was laying on his back, his hands still holding the bands of the sweats, as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Was he forgetting something?

Eh, no, probably not. What was there really for him to forget? It's not like he was forgetting about his homework.

He normally remembered to do that by a decent time.

Lightly, he began to hum to a tune that was barely familiar to him, closing his eyes as he lifted his shoulders to hide his face in the hoodie.

Then it clicked, and he sat up quickly, eyes landing on Chan just as he maneuvered around the loveseat and towards his room.

"You wanted to start recording that song for Minho, huh."

Chan nodded softly. "That would be correct."

Felix blinked at him, and Chan blinked back, only for Felix to blink back at him a couple of times before he laid down on his side, his back now facing Chan. "Later."

He heard Chan laugh softly, and then proceed further to his room.

"Lee Felix, you are certainly something else."

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a/n || put your hands in the hooooles of my sweaterrrrrrrr

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