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A month after Chan had moved in, Felix had concluded that maybe he wasn't that bad.

What was bad was his unsolicited fame among the students of their university. That was what was bad.

Yeonjun had made it known that the two shared an apartment and now he had become a personal letterman for Chan's admirers' messages. Not that Chan got any of them ever, though.

Felix still avoided Chan, he didn't particularly have a reason for it, but he certainly didn't care to try and undo what he had done. He had no reason to involve himself with the blond headed male.

Though, he had also noticed that at the end of every week, every Friday, Chan would go out and he would return with groceries while Felix was in class, stocking their fridge and the cupboards with food that Felix hadn't seen except for on the television.

That much made him feel bad. Chan didn't have to buy all that food.

"-And then I was like, 'Wow! So you mean to tell me that you like me? That's whack as balls,' and he was all-" Jeongin cleared his throat, " 'Yeah, I like you, a lot, actually. You're super cute and all that stuff.' Sigh, he's so perfect. And smart. And pretty. Did I mention that he's pretty?"

Felix stared at Jeongin with furrowed eyebrows, blinking at him as if Jeongin had just read the entire english dictionary.

"Who were you talking about?" Hyunjin dropped down at the brown picnic table, an apple in hand.

Felix then let out a loud groan. He didn't want to hear this all over again. He already heard it once, the entire story! And Hyunjin had just invited Jeongin to spill it to him all over again.

You could certainly blame Felix's lack of relationship on why he was so disgusted by this whole thing and having to hear the story again.

But he would deny that.

He just didn't want to hear about Kiim Seungmin for the seventeenth time that day.

Damn, Felix didn't even know when Jeongin even started to hang out with them- he was usually around Yeonjun or Chenle rather than Felix, even during their eight AM art class.

And yet, Jeongin still continued on with it from the beginning. Fawning over how Seungmin looked so cute in his glasses and how he poked his tongue out of the corner of his mouth when he focused.

He let out a loud groan midway through Jeongin's explanation, cutting him off shamelessly.

"Sorry, Jeongin, but I'm going to make this so much easier for you-" Felix turned and looked at Hyunjin, "Basically, he's in like with this one kid in our grade named Kim Seungmin, and he started talking with him a few weeks ago and it actually ended well for him, Seungmin likes him back. They're going on a date this Saturday."

Hyunjin blinked at the fast words, and Felix just sighed.


"Soooooo, Felix," Jeongin sang.

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.

"How's living with Chan?"

He saw it coming.

He let out a loud laugh. Back at it again with the "Chris this Christ that" bullshit. He thought he had made it clear that he didn't want to talk about Chris more than he had to with Hyunjin.

Apparently Jeongin didn't get the memo.

"It's fine," Felix responded, picking up his fork and stabbing at the salad without any other words. But he didn't bring the food to his mouth.

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