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After what Hyunjin called a 'bonding moment between five bros', Felix's feelings towards Chan seemingly only raged.

Chan and Jisung retreated into Chan's room, and from then on the only thing that Felix could hear was the sound of rapping or the sound of his keyboard making muffled noises through the walls.

Felix didn't want to like him. And he had his reasons for that. Albeit, not the best reasons, but he had reasons and they were validated by himself.

Chan was so insufferably sweet. It was like he drank five cups of sugar water for the soul a day before bed. He was that sweet.

What didn't help the emotions was the fact that he was now sitting on the floor of their 'living room' with a large canvas in front of him, and a face sketched on it in graphite.

On the canvas was Chan's stupidly pretty face.

He wasn't even aware that he was sketching out Chan's face on the paint canvas, as opposed to what he was going for.

He just didn't know what he was going for. But it wasn't Chan.

Felix pressed a sigh through his nose, shifting so that he was on his stomach. He had already gotten this far, may as well finish sketching it out.

Then his mind slipped. What the fuck did Chan's lips look like agian?

Are you really supposed to be concerned about his lips right now?

The apartment door opened slowly just as he dropped his head, his forehead colliding with the floor as the door closed.

"What are you doing?" Felix recognized the voice as Chan's just a moment too late, but had figured it was too late to even hide what he had been doing. Chan already caught him there. "Oh, that's nice."

Felix groaned in response. "Shut up. It's not supposed to be you. It just happens to look like you. Leave me alone."

He then raised his head, half expecting Chan to be walking off, but he was squating in front of him, head tilted to the side slightly. He took the moment to observe his lips- in no way other than that of an artist -and made not of the way they dipped.

If I didn't dislike him so much, maybe I could see the appeal.

Felix cleared his throat as he tugged the canvas closer to him, shifting so that he was propped on his arms before he began to scratch the graphite pencil on the white sheet again.

Once he was satisfied (which wasn't really a lot of satisfaction, he just didn't want to have Chan see him being so meticulous with drawing lips let alone his own) he set the graphite pencil down and stood up, brushing his hands on his pants as he turned and walked towards one of the cabinets in the kitchen.

He started it. He may as well finish it.

Sniffing slightly, Felix rubbed the side of his nose with his finger and pulled out the tray of paints, all from a rather childish- yet, handy -brand: Crayola. It's what he could afford, so it's what he bought.

Felix scratched his lip slightly as he grabbed the small, plastic cup of paint brushes and walked towards the 'station' he was at, setting them don on the floor as he grabbed one of the larger brushes and pinched the wood between his teeth as he walked back towards the kitchen.

"Uhm, would you like some help, Felix?"

His eyebrows raised and his eyes widened as he looked over at Chan, shrugging his shoulders as he grabbed a handful of the paint, and then a paper plate in another hand.

Felix then waddled- to prevent the paint from falling -back towards his little station, sitting down cross legged on the floor and setting his paint down in front of him, before sorting it out according to the color.

Chan retreated back into his room after that, the door closing behind him. Felix rolled his lips between his teeth and then allowed them to pop out before he turned and glanced up at the door.

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Felix rubbed his forearm slightly and grabbed the white paint, tipping the bottle to put some of it on the paper plate.

This repeated with the other colors, rotating with them until he had small globs of the different colors on the plate. He then inhaled, and then stood back up and walked towards the kitchen. Opening the cupboard, he glanced up at the top shelf, releasing a sigh as he stared at the paint covered mug at the top.

How had it even ended up there?

He puckered his lips in thought, and glanced down at the counter. The last time he attempted to use the counter to his advantage he ended up falling and busting his ass.

A common occurrence, yes, but he didn't want to risk that again.

And, no, he wasn't going to go get a chair. Even though that was the most logical thing he could have done to prevent anything from happening.

He had one concern and that was not getting to ten thousand steps on his nonexistent FitBit.

Sucking in a deep breath, Felix turned around so that his back was facing the counter. "Chan!" He hollered, leaning back against the counter as he released a breath and waited for the other male to leave his room.

Once he did, he offered him a small, apologetic smile (though, was he really sorry? Not really) before he gestured for him to come closer.

"Spot me. I have to get my mug."

Chan didn't respond verbally, and instead just gave him a confused look before walking up behind Felix and leaning back slightly.

Felix hoisted himself up onto the counter- using a cupboard shelf for support before he reached up and grabbed his cup, only to set it down beside his knee.

"Did I have to spot you, though? You seemed fine on your own," Chan pondered out loud as Felix shimmied himself off of the counter.

The blond shrugged slightly. "I busted ass once on this floor, I'm not going to do it again. Besides, my ass was like, right in your face. You shouldn't be complaining. Anyway, you can go now, thank you."

Chan's face flushed before he turned and scurried back towards his room.

Felix huffed softly, turning the sink faucet on and filling his mug up.

Once he sat down, he released a small snort.

Ha. Chan turned red.

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a/n || i feel obligated to thank you guys for 2k reads now so thank you vvvv much IWBROWHRI

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