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Felix groaned the moment he rolled over, the sudden movement sending a seering thump of pain against his skull.

After a moment of trying to force the pounding in his head far into the back of his mind, Felix rolled himself over again, searching around the empty space beside him aimlessly.

He let out another groan as he slowly kicked the blanket away from him. Slowly, he left the room, squinting at the light that invaded his now-sensitive eyes.


Felix winced at the clattering of pans right after the exclamation, taking slow steps towards the kitchen before swallowing thickly.

"Shit, pussy, ass, mother fucking, damn, bitch-" Felix said, squeezing his eyes closed as he squeaked against the pain.

Just then, Felix heard Chan's head smack the counter as he stood up. If Felix wasn't suffering from his own headache, maybe he would be a little bit more concerned for his roommates head.

Chan turned around and met Felix's half closed eyes, offering a small smile before turning around. "Good afternoon to you too, my angry Call of Duty playing pre-teen sounding soon-to-be boyfriend."

"Oh, fuck you," Felix muttered, leaning himself against the wall. "What do you mean afternoon?"

The other male hummed softly, "it's currently one in the afternoon, Felix."

"Why didn't you wake me u- ow."

Chan turned back around with a bowl in his hand, setting it down on the counter in front of Felix. "Because you have a hangover. I already sent an Email to your art professor or whoever. Jeongin said he would bring you the work."

Taking the warmed bowl into his hands, Felix let out a sigh, offering Chan a little smile. "Thank you."

"Anytime, princess."

Felix cut Chan a glare. "Didn't I say not to call me that?"

The older male cocked an eyebrow at Felix with a challenging gaze. "That's quite contradictory, considering you're the one who called yourself 'Channie's princess,' if I remember right."

Immediately, his face warmed, and he turned his head down alowly as he focused and bringing the soup to his lips. He didn't have to answer Chan at all after that.

"That's what I thought," Chan hummed, gently leaning forward and oressing a kiss to his forehead. "Eat your soup. It'll help your hangover. I'll find you some Acetaminophen."

The word alone caused Felix's head to throb, and he just sent Chan a confused gaze.



Felix nodded his head wordlessly, and then slowly shuffled towards their small table. The chair was cold againat his legs, and the moment he sat down he felt a sudden wave of regret.

"Should have let me put pants on your ass last night," Chan called after he disappeared into his room, only to reappear with a large bottle, a red label on it. "But no, you insisted on pantless cuddles."

"Can it, Bang."

Chan chuckled softly, shaking the bottle of Tylenol in his hands before he held out two of the oval shaped pills. "I'll go get you some water."

Just as Chan turned to walk off, Felix just put the pills in his mouth and swallowed them, immediately raising his hands to cover his eyes slightly.

"Since you chose not to wait for water, here," Chan held the glass out in his direction. "I'll let you suffer with your hangover on your own if you'd prefer."

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