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"No one is perfect. But you," Chan released a small laugh; Felix barely heard it. "You are perfect."

Six hours later, Felix was laying on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling in confusion.

The fuck did Chan mean 'you are perfect'? Felix was far from that; and, also, he did say that 'no one was perfect'.

He scrunched up his nose and rolled over in his bed, staring at the closed bedroom door before he narrowed his eyes. Stupid Bang Chan.

Always making him think.

His eyes eventually shifted to the clock that was on the dresser beside the door, releasing a grumble when he read that it was nearing one in the morning.

Letting out a groan- a soft one, but a groan nonetheless -Felix stood up and walked towards the door. As much as he really, really didn't want to let himself go; his legs were moving against his thoughts.

Funny, considering it wasn't thoughts that told him to move his legs.

Slowly, he tiptoed from his bedroom towards Chan's, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. He contemplated for a moment, turning and glancing back over his shoulder.

Go in and get him to talk to you about what he meant or go lay in bed. Pick one.

Felix raised his hand and gently pressed soft knocks against the door with his finger. "Chan?"

There was a very low hum behind the door, and then a soft thump of something against the wall, or the floor. Felix didn't know which one.

"Come in."

His hand fell to the door handle, and he released a small huff as he stepped into the room. To his surprise, Chan was still awake, and on the far end of his room. Though, he didn't question it. "You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that?" Felix whispered, eyes narrowing as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Chan's eyebrows furrowed. "And how am I a hypocrite, exactly?"

Felix wiggled his fingers slightly, and took a few steps towards Chan's bed before sitting down on it. "You can't say no one is perfect, and then call me perfect. That just contradicts your statement."

The older male then let out a small laugh, and Felix snatched one of Chan's pillows and hugged it to his chest.

He didn't know why Chan was laughing. But, a part of him didn't want him to stop.

"Come here," Chan gestured for Felix to come closer, turning around in his swiveling chair and looking back at the computer.

With a roll of his eyes, Felix set down Chan's pillow and got off the bed he had just sat himself on, an eyebrow arched as he neared Chan's little work station.


Felix's nose scrunched up slightly. "Where am I supposed to sit? The floor?"

Without a warning, Chan's arm snaked around Felix's waist and tugged him right into Chan's lap. Out of surprise, Felix let out a small yelp, wobbling slightly as he had been balanced on Chan's leg.

Chan's arm stayed around him, but he nudged Felix slightly so that he could type with both hands, and then move the mouse with another.

Felix cocked his head to the side, watching as he clicked on a few other links before a picture popped onto the screen.

"What do you think about this?" Chan asked softly, leaning back into his chair as he dropped his hand onto Felix's upper thigh, "be honest with me, art genius."

The blond turned over his shoulder and grimaced in Chan's direction, then turned and looked at the painting that had been pulled up. "It's the Buste de Femme au Chapeau but Dora. I think it's really nice."

"And I think it's absolutely horrific."

Turning his head, he glanced at Chan with furrowed eyebrows, and then looked back at the screen.

Chan leaned forward again, this time lifting his hand to wrap it all the way around Felix's waist. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Felix. Which also means that perfection is in the eye of the beholder."

"It's one in the morning, do you really have to get philosophical with me here?"

The blond rolled his eyes, squeezing Felix's waist slightly before slowly letting him go. "What I'm trying to say, Felix, is that you don't think you're perfect, but I think you are, even if you are a little bit of a self righteous asshole. You're not trying to be someone you're not."

Felix let out a tiny breath, reaching down and grabbing Chan's hand with his own before it left his waist entirely. "I'm sorry I'm a butthole. But, really, Chan, I'm not perfect-"

Chan pressed a finger to Felix's lips, signaling for him to shut up and not continue. Felix just forced a breath through his nose before relaxing his shoulders slightly.

"I think that you are. You deal with yourself every single day, Felix. You give yourself nothing better to do than to call out your flaws," Chan spoke softly, barely leaning around Felix to look at their hands, before he entwined his hand with one of Felix's. "But guess what, Felix? Your flaws are a part of what make you perfect."

Wrinkling his nose, Felix turned over to look at Chan again. "So you mean to tell me that you think I'm perfect."

"Hey," Chan said, raising one of his hands up beside his head as he gave Felix a smile. "You called me perfect first. I was just returning the favor."

Felix glanced down at their entwined hands, releasing a small sigh before he turned his eyes up and looked at Chan again. "How are you not perfect?"

The latter tilted his head to the side. "For starters, I'm impulsive. I don't think twice before doing things. My entire mentality is a flaw. When finals roll around, I push my friends away so I don't have any distractions. Does that make sense?"

"But that doesn't mean you aren't..." Felix drew his lips into a straight line. "I see what you mean now."

Chan let out a laugh, nodding his head softly before he pulled his hand away from Felix's and gently nudged him. "Why don't you sleep in here then, Felix. You're obviously tired as shit."

"Shit can't get tired."

"Don't be a smartass," Chan chuckled softly. "Just go to bed."

The blond furrowed his eyebrows. "Then where will you sleep?"

"I won't."

With a huff, Felix slowly stood up and shoved his swiveling chair towards the bed, watching as it bounced off of the mattress slightly. Chan stared at him blankly.

"If I'm going to bed, you're going to at least lay in bed. Staring at the computer all night is going to strain your eyes."

Chan's eyebrows furrowed. "But-"

"No buts. Get in bed."

There was a still silence between the two of them, and then Chan slowly stood up and turned around. "You have a butt though."

Felix smacked his palm against his forehead.

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a/n || soff

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