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"Which one are you on?" Hyunjin muttered from Felix's bed, still scratching something on his paper.

Felix glanced over at his own graph paper, puckering his lips before sighing. "Number fifteen."

"Burger King foot lettuce," the pink-haired male said, rolling onto his back and throwing his arms over the edge of the bed. "The last thing you want in your Burger King burger is somebody's foot fungus."

Felix furrowed his eyebrows, and turned over his shoulder to look at Hyunjin. He didn't expect much more than meme references, especially when they were doing calculus work, but he wasn't expecting an entire video recital.

Though, it was now evident that Hyunjin was beginning to give up on the assignment- seeing how he was reciting full videos as opposed to trying to solve any of the problems about complicated sigma notations or summation formulas or whatever it was.

Felix didn't know what it meant, either. It's okay.

Shaking his head slightly, Felix flipped to the chapter of the calculus textbook he was currently looking in for any key points to help him figure out the problem, releasing a small sigh when he had only found an example for an easier problem.

He ignored the knock on his door, and further ignored when the hinges creaked.

"Sorry to bother you two, but, Jisung's coming over to work on a project. I just thought I should let you know."

Felix closed his eyes the moment his bed wobbled against the wall, shaking his head with a long sigh the moment Hyunjin spoke. "Tell him to bring Changbin. I'm booooooooored."

Chan let out a laugh. "I'll see. Is that fine with you, Felix?"

The blond just let out a hum, which was apparently an answer enough, as Chan closed the door and stepped out.

Felix stared at the problem, the silly little E like shape on the paper with an n on top of it and an i=2 beneath it. He wanted it to solve itself, for it to figure out what the answer was when n=10,000.

"You look really focused on that, Felix," Hyunjin whispered in his ear, his arms now draped over his shoulders with his chin on his head, "why does an art major need to know about insemination."

The blond's eyes widened, and he turned his head slightly just as Hyunjin lifted his own head. "Summation. Where the fuck did you even get insemination?"

"Because that's what he sounded like when he said it!"

Felix released a groan, lightly pinching the bridge of his nose. He had no idea where Hyunjin got any of this information, 'insemination' from 'summation'. He didn't even know how the two words sounded anything alike.

The words themselves didn't even look alike.

"What dumpster did I pick you from, again?" Felix muttered, looking up at Hyunjin as he perched himself on the corner of Felix's desk.

The long haired male clicked his tongue as he rolled his tongue over his teeth. "I think it was the one behind the Home Depot on west Main. Or maybe it was behind the Thai restaurant on Valley."

He let out a small laugh at that, shaking his head slightly as he picked up his pencil again. "I hate you so much."

"Nuh uh, just when I showed up you told me you loved me," Hyunjin sputtered defensively in false shock, before leaning forward with puckered lips, "Come on, give me a kiss."

Felix's nose wrinkled in disgust, and he put his hand right on Hyunjin's face, shoving him away and causing him to step off of the desk. "Keep your disgusting fish lips away from me, you loser."

"Shut up, it's just a kiss, we used to do it all the time."

"You have a boyfriend, you dehydrated slut pickle!" Felix flung his pencil in Hyunjin's direction, barely missing his stomach. "Do you not have any morals? Wait until Changbin hears about this."

The other male let out a laugh, taking a couple stumbled steps towards Felix's bed before sitting down on it and releasing a loud breath.

Felix gave Hyunjin a moment to catch his breath, an eyebrow arched while his eyes were still wide in horror.

"I'm going to be real with you," Hyunjin said through shaky exhales, "I don't think Changbin would care."

The blond raised both eyebrows at him, now tilting his head to the side as he broke into another fit of laughter. Felix couldn't figure out where Hyunjin found this funny, though, he was more worried about what kind of relationship the two of them had going on.

Hyunjin fell into his back on the bed, and then just let gravity pull him to the floor slowly as he calmed his laughter again. "Oh, my God, you should have seen the look on your face. You looked mortified."

"That's because you're an absolute shit filled diaper!" Felix exclaimed, looking at both of his hands, "seriously, what the fuck dumpster did I get you out of?!"

His friend once again began to laugh, and Felix had to fight the urge to strangle him right then and there.

"What the frick are you guys yelling about?" Chan's head popped in from behind the door.

Felix looked at him, giving him a near pleading look. This look, partnered with Hyunjin's laughing fit, caused Chan to anxiously back out of the room.

Felix then stomped his foot. "Look! You even scared Chan away, not even I have managed to do that yet! You hear me? I didn't even scare him off yet!"

The other male then stood up and stepped closer to Felix, placing his hands on his shoulders before drawing in a deep, calmer breath than before. Felix's eyebrows arched slightly as he locked eyes with the male.

Hyunjin just squeezed his shoulders slightly, nodding his head as he tried to force himself to frown at him.

"Hyunjin, your boyfriend's here!"

After the muffled voice entered the room, Hyunjin smirked slightly. The pink haired male then leaned forward and pecked Felix's lips, then turned and darted out of the bedroom door, Felix running close behind him.

"Hwang Hyunjin you absolute bag of dildos!"

The male hid behind his shorted boyfriend, his laughing fit once again returning.

Changbin looked just as confused as Chan and Jisung did, lost in their loud banter. "What's going on? Jinnie, what did you do?"

Felix jabbed a finger in Hyunjin's direction. "That- that fucker kissed me!"

The shorter male then turned around and looked at his boyfriend, and Hyunjin just let out a laugh again.

"Was it consensual?" Changbin then asked, cocking his head to the side as he looked up at Felix.

His jaw dropped at the question, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly before he raised his hands and shook his head. "No? It was not 'consensual' he just fucking kissed me like a fucking douchewad!"

The small male laughed softly, turning around to face Hyunjin. "Hyunjin, you know better." He then paused, turning around once again to sit down on the couch. "You're supposed to ask first."

Hyunjin laughed, and Felix's jaw dropped for a second time.

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a/n || its a hard knock life for us

this whole chapter was a mess but its okay, we love best friend dynamic building

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