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"I do not like him like that," Felix deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Felix was, once again, sitting in the front seat of Chan's car, with Jisung, Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin sandwiched in the back due to the fact he refused to share his own seat.

Hyunjin- the dick that he was -had decided that it was quite a magnificent time to start interrogating Chan about any and all past and present relationships. And then proceeded to do the same thing to Felix, even though he knew damn well about Felix's romantic relationship fails.

Hyunjin himself had said 'if your relationships were a person or people then they'd be one of those people in the WASTED videos.' 

"Flowers or chocolates for your boyfriend on Valentines day?"

Chan looked just as awkward as Felix felt- stiff and holding the steering wheel as if it had just become his lifeline.

"B… both?"

His friend chuckled in the backseat. "Binnie, take notes."

"It was one year!" Changbin argued, and all Felix could hear was Hyunjin squealing. He could assume Changbin pinched him somewhere.

The car had fallen silent after that- much to Felix's appreciation -as they continued towards Changbin's overly large home.

Silently, Minho and Jisung stumbled out of the car after arguing about how they were going to get out (somehow, Felix had missed the fact that Jisung was perched on Minho's lap). Changbin was quick to follow, but Hyunjin stayed behind.

Felix just looked at Hyunjin in confusion.

"You should give him a chance, Lix," the pink haired male coaxed, "I swear, you are the worst liar in existence. Don't be afraid to like someone just because Luis guy or whatever his name was was a flawed penis enlargement pill."

The blond cleared his throat, his nose scrunched up at Hyunjin before he rolled his eyes. "Get the fuck out, you strawberry headass wannabe."

Hyunjin chuckled, ruffling Felix's already disheveled hair, "I'll call you in thirty minutes. You better do what I said."

As soon as Hyunjin closed the car door behind him, Felix pulled his phone from his back pocket, his finger pressing down on the power button until he was given the option to shut it off.

At that point, ignoring Hyunjin was more reasonable than trying to follow his bullshit advice.

Though, Felix did have to admit- he did have a point. He had no reason to be scared of liking Chan. Felix never cared much for his public image (what he cared about was his painting's publicity, not his own) nor would it hurt too much to at least give it a shot.

But, certainly, he didn't like Chan, right?

It was just a simple infatuation; There was no reason for Felix to have any emotions other than a few positive ones towards the older male. Just a few.

Chan was attractive. He was tolerable. He smelled good. And he wasn't a total asshole.

The drive turned out to be longer than Felix had expected, but still, he continuously glanced at the flashing numbers on the screen; watching the time intently. It had passed thirty minutes- which gave Felix the idea that Chan was just trying to kill time, which was understood -but then a number flashed on the screen.

Above said number was Rapnuzel 2.0.

Before Felix even had the chance to tap the 'decline' button on the little screen, Chan had tapped something on his steering wheel and the speakers stopped playing the music that was his ring tone.

"Fucker turned his phone off on me." Hyunjin's voice surrounded them, followed by Changbin saying something. "I know, absolutely terrible. I can't believe he's my best friend. Hey! Chan, where are you at I gotta talk to Lix."

At least he knew now why Chan was taking his sweet time getting back to the apartment. At least, that's what he put together.

"He's in the car, we're in the car, so go on," Chan answered, despite Felix shaking his head and sending him death glares.

The male on the other end of the line laughed loudly. "Great! Makes this easier," Hyunjin cleared his throat, "Alright. So, since my roommate idea didn't work in getting you together, you two are going to make a deal!"

"Wait," Felix cut in before Chan could respond, then turned and glared at the older male, only to glare at the screen. "Roommate idea?"

Hyunjin just laughed, "that's a story for another time. Anyway! If Felix doesn't place at the dance competition, then he gives Chan a chance. If he does place, then he can do whatever he wants. Does that sound reasonable?"

Chan let out a 'huh' like sound, and then shrugged his shoulders. "I guess so, though, don't you think he's going to place anyway?"

"We'll see about that, Christiano Bangnaldo," Hyunjin said through an obvious smile, "I have faith in him, though, so who knows. In the meantime, Felix!"

Felix stared at the car's screen, almost expecting Hyunjin to be able to feel it through the bluetooth connection.

"Play nice. I know that the whole bet thing I just arranged between you two without consent may be a little bit much, but, I'm doing it out of the goodness of my heart. So please don't threaten to shave my head in my sleep for this. Bye!"

Then the phone beeped as soon as Hyunjin hung up, and the song that was playing before continued to play through the speakers.

Felix's face was a light shade of red- and he would forever tell himself that it was simply out of frustration rather than anything else.

"I hate him for this," Felix declared, holding a hand out in Chan's direction with his eyebrows furrowed, but his eyes locked on the side of the road outside of his window. He then wiggled his fingers. "But I'm going to tweak the bet."

Chan hummed. "How so?"

The blond drew in a deep breath and turned to look at Chan, who was glancing down at his hand. "First of all, hold my hand you dense fuck waffle." Felix smiled the moment that Chan had slid his hand into his own, turning his head away to hide it. "Second, I'll get to know you until the competition. If I place, I do whatever I feel. If I don't place, then, yeah, maybe I'll give you a chance."

Felix then turned and looked at Chan, who had his eyes locked on the road. "So? Deal? No deal?"

"Alright," Chan finally responded, lightly bouncing their hands over the middle console before squeezing Felix's hand with his own.

The action send an odd wave of emotions straight into Felix's heart.

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a/n || im the dumb kind of badass 🤔

a/n || im the dumb kind of badass 🤔

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