Nathan's Story - Sang

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A/N: I changed Kota's girl friend's name from Ava to Mia. 


After the guys dropped the whole Adam is a seriously messed up and a sick person bomb on me, the atmosphere started to become awkward. It was like everyone knew that there were things that each of us wanted to talk about, but none of us were brave enough to start those conversations. I was still sitting on North's lap and he was distractedly trailing his fingers up and down my bicep and I could feel myself starting to turn red. I needed to have a stern talk with my hormones and tell them that they needed to just cool their boosters. 

Twenty years and I have never really felt that urge to rub my body against another persons, and now it was like I was trying to make up for lost time or something. I mean, how is it possible that I am this physically attracted to six different men. It just wasn't logical. 

But I was pretty sure it was real. 

Luckily Silas broke the growing tension within the room by asking me if I needed anything other than my school books from the apartment. I glanced in the kitchen and saw all of the ingredients that I had left out earlier, and still felt that inclination to bake. When I said something about it, Luke assured me that they had plenty of ingredients at Uncle's house and they would all love it if I baked something. 

"Fuck yeah! We should all have a sleepover like we used to as kids. Trouble can bake. We can order some pizzas, watch some movies, maybe play a game or two. It will be fucking awesome. This is so happening. I will call Kota," Gabriel said and I could tell that not everyone in the room was completely on board with this idea. I mean, we were adults. Did adults have sleepovers? 

I had never really done the whole sleepover thing before. Even in a boarding school packed full of other girls my age and I had failed to secure an invite to sleep in another girls room. A part of me wanted to do this, just so that I could experience such a thing. The other part of me was intimidated by spending the night in the same room as nine insanely attractive guys. What if I had another flashback and freaked out on them again. 

"Gabe," Luke tried to hedge but it was no use. 

"Nope, don't even think about raining on my fucking parade. This is so happening. Trouble needs a little carefree fun in her life right now. This is just what the doctor ordered. See, I have it in writing. Sean thinks this is a wonderful idea." 

That made me giggle. I loved Gabriel's enthusiasm about life. 

Decision made, I went to grab my school books and a few more clothes so that I wouldn't have to return here for a while. North took my backpack from me and Gabriel latched onto my hand as we made it outside. The second we stepped free of the doors, the little hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and I had the distinct feeling that someone was watching me. I scanned the area, but no one stood out and before I could voice my concerns North had lifted me into the front seat of his jeep. 

I continued to scan the our surroundings as North, Luke, and Gabriel got into the car but I still didn't see anything or anyone out of place. I was probably still freaked from my latest flashback and tried to relax into the seat. Five minutes later I was focusing on a breathing exercise to help me calm down when North reached over and lightly grabbed my thigh right above my knee. I nearly jumped out of skin. 

"Sang Baby, what's wrong," North said in a low mummer but Luke and Gabriel stopped talking in the back, so I knew that they had heard him too. 

I felt stupid for telling him this, but that feeling hadn't gone away. Usually my instincts were pretty spot on. Had to be, to survive my step-mother growing up. "I feel like someone is watching me. Can't shake it."

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