Tobacco Revelations - Mr. Blackbourne

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I tipped my head back and let the heady mix of tobacco and tequila steal away the majority of the thoughts and worries that never ceased to haunt me. Although, I will be the first to admit that the weight on my shoulders is feeling a little lighter after tonight. And it is all thanks to an intriguing young woman.  


Dear God, that kiss... that kiss was something that I don't think I will ever be able to forget. The wonder and trust that was swimming in her shadowed green eyes as I asked her if she really did want to kiss me nearly took my breath away. I didn't want her to feel pressured into something so intimate on a dare, and had been severely disappointing in my brothers for allowing the game to develop in that direction after knowing what she went through last year. I meant to put an end to it, but those damn eyes were my undoing. 

Then the way she had told me that she wanted it, wanted me, in a breathy sensual voice had set my body ablaze. She was the perfect balance of poise and carefree energy. A blend of timid and danger that I was helpless to resist. In that moment Sang was the embodiment of submissive strength and I knew that I had to indulge. 

And it had been transcendent. 

"I told you she was special," Sean teased from the chair to my left as he puffed on a pedestrian cigarette. I had decided to join him in his disgusting habit after the boys had started to pass out and we were sitting side by side on Uncle's porch. "And Pookie is so going to be the future Mrs. Green." 

I inhaled deeply, allowing the toxic fumes to marinate in my lungs while I pondered his statement. Yes, of course I knew that Ms. Sorenson was special. Only someone extraordinary would dive in front of a bullet to save someone that she had never laid eye on before. And our ongoing and developing association with the young women since that moment has only added to her level of uniqueness. Two weeks ago my team was dangerously balancing on the edge of disillusionment and disbandment, yet tonight I felt the heart and soul of my family return. 

Somehow in the short amount of time that we had known Ms. Sorenson, she had brought us back from the brink. That alone made her remarkable. 

But my oldest friend was right. There was more to it than that. There was something that was inherently Sang that I couldn't put my finger on no matter how long I deliberated on it. She was a rather refreshing puzzle, but did I really believe that Sean would end up marring the girl ? No, I did not. 

First, and while it wasn't the most important point it does need to be said, we are only twenty three years old. We are young men and our entire lives have revolved around and been dictated by the academy. We didn't even really know who we were as men, let alone what kind of person we wanted or needed to be in a relationship. It was far too soon to be making or considering marriage as a viable option. 

Second, and probably the most important was that Sean was not the only one of my brothers falling for Ms. Sorenson. I, myself even find myself drawn to the incredible young woman and love that she seems to fixing us in ways I have failed to, but there was only one of her and nine of us. 

I know that Lilly is happily married the four men within her team, and the Toma team seems to be doing well with Kayli after they ironed out the bumps in the beginning but we weren't them. Not only were we twice the size of those groups, but we were also more diverse then them. I had serious doubts that a woman that would be right for Gabriel or North would also be the love of my life. 

Although, I did have to admit that there were merits to the idea. Each and every one of us was so integrated into the Academy that we will never be able to have a run of the mill relationship. We were just too busy and too drenched in secrecy for such a thing. Ms. Sorenson was already a full Academy member so we wouldn't have to keep many secrets from her. Moreover, with nine of us I couldn't imagine her ever wanting for attention, care, or protection. I would take comfort in knowing that the person I love would never have to be alone or left vulnerable because I had a job to accomplish. 

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