I thought to run

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I felt everyone's eyes on us. What was I thinking? But at least Daisy wasn't bothering me.
Oh who am I kidding? It was embarrassing. Not in front of everyone too.
I don't know how to explain, but I didn't mean to kiss her.
Sometimes I don't like having a brain.
Look where it's gotten me now!
What did I do? You may ask what I did while there. I could only think to run. And I did. More embarrassing than just staying there. I don't know why that I thought someone would chase me and be like," Wtf dude!"
But I am glad no one did. I hid in a bathroom stall intil my next class.
Then, school ended. And I covered my face while I got my stuff out my locker. I was also hoping that, well you know, was old news. You know high school.
But the music club was not the same way. They started practicing after school. And I know with the competition and all. I was still debating on whether to skip it or not.
But with the competition I couldn't, so I went against my better judgment.
And showed up.
But man, I shouldn't have.

Funny meme? And what happened?

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