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Hailey's POV

I was so excited for the sleep over, we were having it on a Saturday. On Saturday night everyone came over. I knew the whole music club was invited so I wasn't surprised when Jake showed up. The sleepover went well we all practiced, ate snacks, watched movies. Zander  ,Luke , and Sean  went to sleep at 12am. Milly went to sleep at 12:15 in the other room. So that left me and Jake alone.

This didn't bother me either because I was planning on going to sleep after I finished the movie. 

"Only 10 minutes," I thought. 

5 minutes went by and the movie was almost over. 

"Hailey?" Jake said.

I tensed up. "Yeah?" I said.

"Who did Zander mean when he said that?" He asked.

"Said what?" I asked. 

Their was a pause for a moment, then I remembered.

"No one," I said turning my head to the tv. 

Jake was silent, I was afraid to see were he was looking.   I looked out the corner of my eye, he was staring at me. I turned my eyes back to the Screen. By then the movie was over, I got up and went in the other room to sleep. 

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