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Jake POV

I hated putting Hailey down like that. But I just liked Daisy more.
I could see that she was hurt,I didn't know I would hurt her that badly, I hope we still are friends.

In school.....

I was listening to my music,thinking about all of it.
"But it was good to see that she still showed up to practice. She still did her best.  And after a while I think she was moving on. But I still had this feeling at the bottom of my heart that I did something......Wrong. Like I need to do but I did anyways. Why was I getting this feeling? Was it because of ..... Hailey? Nah it can't be. Shes-",

"Hey Jake", Lia interrupted.
"Hi Lia", I said walking past her.

At lunch.....

Me and my 'friends' were talking about random stuff.
When Zoey leaned  over to Drews ear
She whispered something in his ear
(Drew and zoey are together)
Then she walked over to her table. We all paused for a minute.

"Jake," He said."Is it true?"
"What?" I asked all confused.
"Are you and the music freak together?" He aed.
"Oooooooo", Liam and Henry said.
"No," I said. My face turned bright red.
"Sure,sure", Liam said.
"I'm serious," I said face still red."Did Zoey tell you that?!"
"Idk why don't you go and ask her," He said.
"I will",I said putting my tray down and walking over to Zoeys table.
" WHY did  you tell them that?!" I almost yelled.
"I don't know what your talking about," Zoey said looking confused.
"You know!" I said.
"Oh that," She said."Tell him I meant it with XOXO."
"What?" I asked all confused.
"I told him sorry for slapping his phone out of his hand," She said.
"You didn't tell him?!" I said confused.
"Tell what?" She asked.
"Nothing", I said walking away.
Liam,Henry,and Drew were laughing so much that they could have choked.
"Not funny", I said sitting down angrily." How did you come up with that?"
"I didn't," Drew said.
He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture.
"Someone posted it on Facebook," He said.

The picture was of Me and Hailey... Kissing.

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