Oh Now?

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Hailey's POV

"OK, Your going to do great," I said to Milly.

"I so worried! What if he says No?"

"Don't say that! Elliot will say yes."

"Ugh, I get all flustered. I won't be able to say anything."

"You can do it, Milly!"

Milly closed her locker. " I'm going to do it!"

Elliot happen to be near us when she went to find him. And I was able to see it all unfold.
It was beautiful to watch, if it actual happened. She Just asked for a pencil. Then she awkwardly walked past me, to avoid conversation.
I felt someone bump in me.
"Oh, Sor--,"
Jake had bumped into me.
"Oh, Hailey I was looking for you," He said.
"What do you want, Jake?" I Said, not realizing I was coming off a bit rude.
"Uh, uh-" he stammered.
"Hey, Jake," Daisy said.
"Uh- hey Daisy," He said." I'm talking to Hailey."
"But I wanted to tell you something," Daisy said. 
"But I'm  -,"
"Go ahead," I told him.
"Jake what are you doing talking to a music freak?" Drew said.
It was so catatonic.
Then, before I knew it. Jake was looking into my eyes. Then, Everyone was taking pictures and Daisy's shocked face.

Jake was Kissing me.

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