The way you look at him

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Zanders POV

After practice, me and Luke were still holding hands. Hailey started to ask us questions like, "Does  your mom and my dad know?" And all those questions. I was kind of getting tired of all the questions. Jake and Sean went home, I am  pretty sure Milly wanted to post all about Luke and mines relationship. I don't know why I said it but I yelled," I saw the were you looked at him!" 

Hailey blushed and looked down," I-I don't know who you are talking", She Stammered.

That's when I realized, someone was standing behind me. I turned around and saw Jake standing in the doorway looking down and blushing. Then he walked past all of us with him head down still, and grabed  his phone off the DJ set then walked off. I looked at Hailey who had an expiration of embarrassment and anger. Milly left as soon she saw that look in her eyes.  

Over the next few days I tried apologizing to her but she ignored me. She still went to practice but every time  she would just look down at her guitar, and played. then as soon as practice was over she would run home.  I knew I had to make things right again, while looking for ideas I remembered Hailey loves sleepovers. So I asked my mom and step dad if I can host a sleepover for the music club, they agreed. But on one condition the girls have to sleep in a separate room. I was planning on that so I agreed. And told Hailey about the sleepover she was happy. But I may have forgotten one detail it was all of  the music club including Jake. But the day of the sleepover came....

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