How it started.

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Jakes POV
I had to talk to Hailey about the rumors,who started them and why.
I met her outside of the school.
"So,what do you want to talk about?" She asked.
"Do you know about the rumors that have been spreading?" I asked.
"Yeah,they've been going on for a week now,you didn't know?" Hailey said.
"No actually,do you know who started them?" I asked.
"No,but there could've been a lot of people," She said.
Hailey pulled out her phone,and looked at it.
"Dang,the person who ever did this is create at photo shop," Hailey said.
"Are you looking at the picture?" I asked.
"Yeah," She said.
"It could've been Zoey, I said.
"No,you have dirt on her," She said.
"She wouldn't do that,"
Hailey paused,then looked at me.
"Why would she do that?"She said."Start a rumor about her crush being with someone else."
"You never know," I said,"What about you?"
Hailey paused,then gave me the "I'm going to kill you,and bury your body in a Dumpster" face. (There's a  face for everything)
"Why would I do that?" She said.
"you still like me?" I said,
Her face turned a bright pink.
"NO,why would I like you!" She said.
"Just a suggestion," I said.
I heard people whispering from behind me,Hailey looked around me and was kinda weird out.
"Sean,Milly,Zander,Luke, we can see you," She said.
"No,its just me and Zander," Luke said.
"Why were you watching us?" I asked.
"No reason," Zander Said.
"Their has to be a reason,"Hailey said.
"No,their doesn't", Luke said.
"Just leave," Hailey said.
"No," Zander said.
"Why not?" Hailey said.
"I'm not leaving you with the one who broke your heart!" Zander said.
Hailey's face turned into a lighter pink.
"Shut up Zander!" Hailey said.
"Yeah I'm just going to leave," I said.
They didn't notice me leaving.

Haaha look at the video I found that was from 9 years ago.  I found it while looking up Jake X Hailey on YouTube.

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