I was wrong

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Jake POV (Yes twice)

I was confused on what Zander had said. What did he mean? Yeah she did seem a little hurt. But not that hurt. I'm Horrible at reading emotions, or was everyone so good at suppressing them. But this feeling,like a huge weight was on my back. Was it Guilt? No it couldn't be. What could I feel guilty for? I mean I have nothing to feel guilty about,right? But this feeling was stuck with me,nothing seemed to get rid of it. But something's started to change.  But no one changed,only things.
Hailey was still he cu- , I mean happy self. Zander,Luke,Sean,Milly, same as usual. But Hailey just seemed to give off this glow I couldn't understand.  No one had ever glowed like this, not even Daisy. But it it me.

It was guilt,  I had  made I mistake.

Sorry I haven't been posting in  while,I have been caught in school 

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