Hailey's confession

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3rd Person POV
"Hello?" Jake answered.
Hailey gulped.
Here goes nothing She thought.
"Yeah, Is this Jake?" Her voice sounded a bit tired.
There was a sudden pause.
"Yeah," He said.
There was another pause.
"So about today," Hailey said.
Jake stood silent at the end of the phone.
"Jake?" Hailey said. "Are you still there?"
"Yeah," Jake said.
"Well about school," Hailey said.
Jakes face turned red and a lump formed in his throat.
Hailey over the phone also couldn't find her words to put it.
"Jake," She sighed. "I really do like you ."
Jake felt flushed from Hailey's words.
"And even if you don't feel the same way," Hailey said. "Even if you did kiss me today. I just had to tell you what I felt."
"I feel the same," The words just spilled out of Jakes mouth.
And their was a Pause, just the tone of the phone.
"Really?" Hailey asked. "Wait. Do you still like Daisy too?"
"No," Jake said without a thought.

*Akward silence*

"So what does this mean for us?" Hailey asked.
"I guess we date," Jake said. "Well. Of that's Good with you of course."
"Yes,it's fine with m-"
"Hailey! How long will you be on the phone!" Zander's voice sudden said. "I need to call Luke and my phone is dead!" 
"Just give me a minute, Zander!" Hailey said back. 
"Yes, It's fine," Hailey said to the phone.

The End
Whatever floats ur boat

Author note
Sorry this took so long. I get distracted easily. I hope you enjoyed the story. 😊

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