Hailey POV

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Hailey's POV

I sat there waiting for everyone. Then I remembered that today we were taking a break from the after school rehearsals. Geez I need to start saving these dates.
I got up and walked out the door. When I bumped into someone.
My heart sank.

"Hailey, what are you still doing here?" Zander asked me.
I let a sigh of relief.
"I forgot,"
"Me and Luke were waiting for you for like 10 minutes!"
"I known I know."
"OK, let's go."
We walked to Zander's moms car and I got in the front. While Luke and Zander sat in the back.
And I started to hum the lyrics to a song I didn't remember the name to.
But for some reason I thought of Jake.
My face felt hot and I tried to keep my mind off of what happened.
I felt someone shaking me.

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