Wait your whos twin sister?!?

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Yeah yeahs POV
I was about to go to bed and was just throwing my ball up and catching it until I saw a really pretty girl staring at me. Wow she was beautiful. I waved she looked surprised and kinda embarrassed but she waved back

As I was laying in bed I couldn't get that girl out of my head I haven't even met her but I wanted to talk to her.

//the next morning//
I woke up to my brother shaking me asking if I wanted to go play ball with his team after breakfast
"Y/n/n!! You wanna play ball after breakfast with my team??" He asked
"Phil, it's too friggin' early! Maybe tomorrow just leave me to sleep!" I say begging him to leave me be
"Fine but for real mom says to hurry and get dressed bc breakfast is ready" he says leaving
I groan and get dressed into a blue cap a white and yellow t-shirt and some shorts with white converse.(fit above 👆🏼)

I hurry down and eat breakfast with Phillips after breakfast he leaves and I go outside and practice pitching and just throwing the ball up and catching it.

Yeah yeahs POV
As I got ready to go to the sandlot I saw that girl from last night pitching her ball-she was really good, so I asked her if she wanted to come to the sandlot with me.

Suddenly the boy from last night came up to me. "Hey, I'm Alan McClennan but my friends call me yeah yeah" he said "hi I'm y/n l/n" I told him. "Well me and my friends we're gonna play base ball and I was wondering if you wanted to play because you clearly are good at pitching." I said sure and he brought me back to a whole group of 9 boys behind a drugstore. "Ok I got this" a slightly chubby kid with freckles but something in his mouth " I'm da gweat wabino" he says everyone else says 'what' In confusion "I'm do gweat wabino" he says again. "What" they say once again I look at yeah yeah I'm confusion he looks at me with I 'I have no idea either' look. He finally takes whatever was in his mouth and says "I'm the great bambino!" A lot of "ohhs " came out of the boys mouths. Until they noticed I was there. "Yeah yeah who's that?" A kinda skinny boy with glasses says "your sister?" Another kid says "what? No! Guys this  is y/n l/n she's gonna play ball with us let's go to the sandlot anyways that's Timmy on tommy Timmons" they spit in the ground Micheal 'squints' Palledorous he spits Scotty smalls we just call him smalls though he spit Bertram Grover weeks he spit Kenny DeNunez he spit Hamilton porter we call him ham he spit and Benjamin Franklin but we call him Benny.

//time skip to the sandlot//

"But she's a girl dude!" Ham said
"Yeah she's not gonna be able to play!"
Bertram said
"Chill you guys did the exact same thing to me when we first met" smalls said
"Yeah so stop judging her!" Benny said
"She's better at baseball that you guys!"
"Your just saying that bc you have a crush on her!" Ham said


I heard them talking about me so I stood up for myself.
"Say that to my face assholes!" They stayed quiet "  now that I'm here you won't say anything? I'll prove that I'm better than all of you! Give me the ball I'll pitch." DeNunez gave me they ball while Benny batted. He nodded he was ready and I took a deep breath and pitched the ball. Benny missed it and ham caught it. I just stood there while everyone looked at me surprised. "What?" I asked "bennys never missed a ball in his life" squints said cleaning his glasses in disbelief. "See time being a girl don't mean anything so don't judge anyone just by there gender and let's play same ball!" I say proud.

//time skip//

We took a break and suddenly I saw my brother come into the sandlot. They boys looked pretty mad and walked up to him and his team. "Look I'm not trying to start trouble I'm looking for my sister losers" my brother said. "What do you need bro" I say walking towards him "BRO?!?!" The boys say in unison.  "Yeah guys I'm Phillips twin sister?" I say in confusion "YOUR WHOS TWIN SISTER?!?!" They say again in unison "what are you doing hanging out with these freaks?!?!" Phillips says mad. "We're getting out of here" Phillips says under his breath dragging me away from the new boys I had just made friends with.

//when they got home//
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?" I screamed
"THEY WERE MY FRIENDS!!!" I screamed back
"DONT EVER GO NEAR THEM AGAIN!!!" He yelled and left my room.

I was so mad but i decided to try to talk to yeah yeah. I knocked on his door and he answered "hey" I said "hey" he said "sorry about my brother I take it you clearly don't like each other" I told him "yeah yeah" he said laughing a little "I probably should've told you so that wouldn't have happened" I said "it's fine the guys were kinda just surprised" he said "ok I just wanted to explain myself I didn't want you guys to be mad at me" I told him about to leave "nah it's fine. Bye beautiful" he said realizing what he just said and got red " good night handsome" I said walking away.  As I went to bed I couldn't stop thinking about Alan 'yeah yeah' McClennan. No I'm not catching feelings for him! I just met him after all...

Yeah yeahs POV
Why can't I stop thinking about her? Why am can't I stop thinking about y/n l/n? Was I falling for her? No! I just met her...

OMFG THAT WAS CRINGY AF  that's literally all I have to say lol

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