Im sorry

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So I'm sure your like ugh another a/n I'm not reading this but pls I'm begging you to read

So I did something bad to myself and someone saw it on my leg and they threatened to tell the teacher and that was something I didn't want that to happen

Then we went to recess and they told someone really important to me and then they all kept asking me why I did it and they kept saying if I didn't tell them that they would tell the teacher

But my absolute best friend we will call her A so A had been doing the same thing as I was but she did it before me and A asked me why I did it so I asked her why she did it and she stopped for a little bit and said family issues but I don't know if it's entirely true because there is nothing wrong with her family currently ( I know this for a fact) 

So when we got outside for recess basically the people who knew at the time ran and told someone extremely important to me that I was so I tried to avoid it and by doing do I took one of my friends but not like best friends we will call her V I took V to the bathroom and I told her that it was because of family reasons because I didn't know what else to say (I'm gonna be honest the real reason was bc I was stressed I have no idea why I was but I was) so I then asked if I could go to the nurse and long story short I stayed in the nurses office till school let out and I walked home even though I was supposed to go home with my friend and she kept asking and she told me that V said she thinks I did it bc A has something I don't (not the reason) and that literally everyone thought I did it for attention

Then a friend from like 3rd grade that I had grew apart from that we weren't best friends we will call her K but we were friends so she called me and calmed me down and we talked and let me tell you I've never been more thankful for her or anyone in my life

So I hope you guys can understand why I won't be updating so pls forgive me :)

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