Breaking up

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It's been about 3 days since you and teddy have been dating and you've been hanging out with the sandlot boys a lot more recently just with out yeah yeah cuz u knew it would be awkward

I had just woken up and me and teddy decided to go get some milkshakes together

I put on a black long sleeve shirt with a baggy grey shirt on then my favorite black jeans and red converse

I heard the door bell ring and I knew it was teddy

"Hey babe" he said

"Hi you ready to go?" I asked

"Of course" he said back

//when you guys got there//

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake please" teddy said

"And for you?" The lady said

"I'll have (whatever milkshake u want girl it's yo life)" I said

"Okay they will be right out" she said

Then teddy handed her the money and we sat down

As we drank our milkshakes someone came in but I was too focused on drinking my shake

Yeah yeahs POV

I had tried to get my mind off of y/n for a little bit so I went to get a milkshake at my favorite diner

And as I walked in I saw that teddy guy and y/n

Ugh I hated them together

And that's when y/n turned around and told teddy she was using the bathroom and of course I was standing in front if the bathrooms

I had never ran out of there so fast (you wanna see some real speed bitch sry I couldn't help it-)


That's weird I thought I saw yeah yeah for a second oh well I guess

Time skip to the last day before teddy and everyone else leaves

"Y/n... we need to talk" teddy said

"Yeah babe? What's up?" I said

"Uh-listen-the thing is..." he said looking down

"Uhh go on?" I said

"I don't like the fact that you hang out with those sandlot boys so much" he said

"Well they are my best friends so your gonna have to deal with it" I said

"Listen i don't like when you hang out with them so we're gonna have to break up if you don't agree..." he said

"Well...I guess we're breaking up..." I said with tears in my eyes forcing not one to fall

"Ok then..." he said then walked out of the room

"Douche" I said as he left

I was not gonna let him break my heart!

I sucked it up and I did not let any of my tears fall

But...I was still sad so I called Kenny and told him what happened

"Kenny please answer!..." I said as the phone rung

Heyyy besties so here's this chapter! Thanks to you guys for giving me ideas on what to write! And I didn't rly know what to have teddy say for him breaking up with y/n so sorry it's so crappy lol
Anyways love y'all that's for reading!

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