The omen 😍

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The next day we all went to the sandlot and I was batting. I had a black shirt on with random shorts and a red flannel on
DeNunez went to the pitchers mount (idfk what that thing is called so sry!)
I nodded my head signaling DeNunez I was ready and CRACK it felt like it was all in slo motion

Yeah yeahs POV

Y/n was batting and I could tell she was focused

CRACK I heard and Scotty caught... the inside of the base ball?
The outside of the base ball landed onto the floor  and we all ran to it


"Bitchin" Kenny said
"Naw it ain't!" I said
"Cmon y/n/n maybe two-three guys in history ever busted the gust out of a ball! Let alone a girl! Must be a omen!" Squints said
"All's it mean is that we can't play no more! I mean it's only 12:00!" I said pointing to my wrist like there was a invisible watch
"And I just ruined the whole day for us!" I said
"No you didn't that's the most amazing thing I ever saw!" Kenny said
"Anybody got any money?" I asked
No they all said
"So then it ain't alright cuz now we can't play!" J said
"Yeah we can" Smalls said
"What Smalls? You got 98 extra cents laying around at home Smalls?" I asked
"No but I got a ball"
GO GET IT! Everyone screamed and pushed Scotty to go get it

//time skip//

I was talking to Kenny when I heard yeah yeah and squints talking

"You kissed?!?" Squints said kinda loud
"Shut up! Y/n might hear you!" Yeah yeah said
"Dude! First of all you cheated on your girlfriend! Second of all it's with her brother's girlfriend! Third of all-" squints said but was cut off by yeah yeah putting his hand over squints mouth
"Shut up!" He said

I felt like my heart just got ripped out of my chest
"Y-you cheated?" I said with tears in my eyes

"N-no well yes but no!" He said
"Is it yes or no?!?" I basically yelled and caused everyone to come over
"What happened?" Kenny asked
"Yeah yeahs a dirty little cheater!" I said and ran away and bumped into Smalls
"Guys! Guys! I got-...the ball? Hey what's wrong?" He asked
"I got cheated on! Haha! Yay!" I said sarcastically and walked away

//time skip to when you got home//

I walked in and saw my brother and his friends with him and they all smirked at me and said stuff like "ooo who's the hot girl?" Or "yoo Phil she hot as fuck!" I all flipped them off but usually I wouldn't and I would tell them off but I was so mentally drained

I walked to my room and cried but o realized it's Alan's loss! Not mine! Just then I saw yeah yeah walking back from the sandlot he was crying and had a busted up lip...huh wonder why he had that? I thought wait I'm not supposed to care about him! Ugh!

Just then one of Phillips friends came in
They always came in my room to annoy me and one by one they would all come in and they would look at my jewelry or put my makeup on or look through my clothes I didn't really mind it because they always did stuff like that. And I basically gave up on trying to get them out

I even had a separate drawer for them for old makeup so they could use that instead of my other makeup

And one by one they had all came in and Phillips hated them doing this so he usually went to his room

"Hey y/nnnnnn" one of them asked
"This!" He said then talked me onto my bed and soon everyone else dog piled on me
"I...CANT...BREATH!!!! GET OFF!!!" I screamed laughing

Once they finally did I looked out my window and noticed yeah yeah was looking through his window into mine (not in a creepy way kinda I'm a sad way bc he just saw u and Phillips friends and stuff 💀)
We made eye contact but only got a little bit until I felt a brush swipe against my face
"Whet was that!?" I asked
"Uhhh this pink stuff" one of them said looking at the pallet
"Lemme see" I said grabbing it
"Ugh!! You put blush all over my face!" I said
"What?! You look pretty!!" One of them said giving me a mirror
I saw a pink swipe from the top of my eyebrow to my lips
"What is this?!?" I asked in horror
"What? Don't like it?" One said
"No! I look stupid!" I said
"That's rude! You just insulted our work!" They all said
Then they all but a bunch of eyeshadows and blushes and bronzers
Then...something terrible happened...
"Uh y/n what's this?" One asked
"Oh its mascara you put it on your eye lashes" I said not thinking
"Can we-" but he got cut off by me saying
"No your not putting that on me!"
They all looked at each other and they grabbed me and held me down
"IM TRYING!!" Two of them said
I was not going down without a fight! Untill two more of them came and held me down...
"GET OFF ME!" I screamed while laughing
"ANDDDD DONE!" He said
I looked in the mirror and...
Then we heard the door bell ring
"DIBS NOT IT!!" They all screamed
"Ugh! I'm not going down there! Look at me! I look like a clown on drugs!" I said then they all pushed me to the door
"I hate you guys!" I whisper yelled and opened the door to see the boys?
"Y/n- what the fuck?" Benny asked
"What happened to you?" Kenny asked
"Uhhh" I said
"We heard you screaming and laughing and stuff so we came to-" ham said but got cut off by Philips team coming to the door
"She's too busy have fun with us!" They said
"Oh shit..." I said
"What?!? Your hanging out with these doofuses?!?" They  all said

OKAY! I finally updated! So I'm the original plan this wasn't gonna happen but...what can I say I'm a hoe for some good drama! And also I decided to make Phillips friends your 'friends' too! They're more like brother figures in you eye but secretly they all have a crush on you but you have mor of a sister-brothers relationship so nothing gonna happen between you guys! And also I'm thinking of bringing stand by me into this story for a short while! And one last thing THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READS!!!! OMFG I DIDNT THINK I WOULD EVEN GET TO 10 READS THANK UOU DO MUCH!!!

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