This is an actual chapter for once 😫🤙🏼

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It was the next day and we were all playing in the sandlot

Bennys stupid ass had hit the ball all the way to the beasts yard Smalls said he had a ball so we all told him to go get it

We were all sitting down and I was of course sat by yeah yeahs it's weird because lately the boys have been making excuses for us to sit next to each other or spend time with each other or talk with each other it's very weird

"Where is Smalls he taking literally forever" I said annoyed

"Hey y/n you should try this new thing called patience! It's really helpful!" Yeah yeah said in a sarcastic tone

"Whatever" I said

"They need to get together again" Kenny said but where only the boys could hear

A lot of yeps and yeahs came from the boys

"HEY GUYS I GOT THE BALL!! I GOT IT!!" Smalls said running in the sandlot

"Bitchin your call your ups here you go" Benny said giving Smalls the bat

Smalls was up to bat and as usual ham was talking shit to him to make him mess up

"Your flys open" ham said

Then Smalls got distracted and missed

"There's one" ham said under his breath

"One two three three strikes three pitches"


Scotty hit the ball and as Benny ran to catch it  he couldn't because it landed into the beasts yard once again

"YES!!" Scotty yelled running to the bases

"Wait to go school meat! Taught him everything!" Ham said

Just as Smalls was about to hit second base he stopped running and started walking but not to third base

"Smalls third base is uh that way" I said pointing to third base

"Smalls where you going"


"Oh no" he said

"You forgot to turn! You go to third base! Smalls- the hells he doin?" Ham said

"Well gee ham i don't know maybe hes picking flowers?? Or maybe he's driving a car?!? Or maybe-" I said but got cut off

"I don't need your sarcasm y/n" he said annoyed

"Maybe the shock of his first homer was just too much for him" Bertram said

Benny glared at him and I hit him on the head- well more like the back because we'll- Bertram is actually quite taller than me so I couldn't quite reach the back of his head

( k a/n I'm not make y/n the cliche 3'4 girl I'm just comparing him to my height and I'm pretty short but if ur tall leave that part out and like pretend u actually hit him ok? So don't say I'm making her the short uwu girl- and also never let me say uwu again bc- ew 😭)

Then we all walked up to him and he said "we gotta get that ball back"

"Oh yeah very funny Smalls" squints said laughing

"Yeah funny Smalls"

"Good one Smalls"

"Yeah don't worry about it man we'll just get another ball" Benny said

"No you don't understand!" Smalls said

"Sure we do! You feel bad because you belted a homer and now we can't play no more" Benny said again.

"No you don't understand! That wasn't my ball!"

"Pardon?" I said

"What do you mean that wasn't your ball?" Squints asked

"It was my step dads- I stole it from his trophy room! It was a present or something- but we gotta get it back hes  gonna kill me!" Smalls said

"Listen to me Smalls it the matter of life and death- where did your old man get that ball?" Squints said

"What? I don't know some lady gave it to him"


"Some lady?"

"Yeah she even signed her name on it- some lady named- Ruth! Baby Ruth!" He said

"BABE RUTH?!?!" We all screamed and jumped onto the fence to see where  the legendary ball went

Then we saw a big paw and grab the ball!

We all screamed and yeah yeah grabbed my hand and basically dragged me back as fast as humanly possible

"The beast got it!" Me and Kenny said at the same time

"Hey!" We both said again

"Your dead as a door nail Smalls" timmy said

"Your dead as a door nail Smalls" tommy repeated

"Smalls you mean to tell me you went home and swiped a ball that was signed by babe Ruth and you brought it out here and actually played with it??" He asked

"And actually played with it??" Tommy said

"Yeah-yeah but I was gonna bring it back!" Smalls said

"But it was signed by babe Ruth!!" Squints said

"Yeah- yeah- yeah- you keep telling me! Who is she??" He said

"I BEG YOUR PARDON??" I yelled I'm disbelief

"WHAT?? WHAT??" Ham yelled

"The sultan of swat!"

"The king of crash!"

"The colossus of clout!"

"The colossus of clout!"

"BABE RUTH!" We all said

"The great bambino!!" I said

The look of realization of Smalls face "oh my gif you mean that's the same guy??" He asked

"YES" we all said

"Smalls- babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived! I mean people say he was less than a god but more that man! Like Hercules or something! That ball you just aced to the beast is worth-well worth than your whole life man" Benny said

Then Smalls dropped to his knees
"I don't feel so good guys"

"Oh fan him" we said while we fanned him with our hats

But squints used his glasses to fan Scotty

"How Is that- what- your- you used you glasses to fan him??" I asked

"Shut up y/n!" Squints said

Hi guys so I finally updated!! So I'm planning on updating one more time this week on Wednesday or Thursday so look forward to that ty for reading :)) <33

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