Teddy pt 2

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We made it back to Vincent's and when we got there we found the guys and of course Vern was getting cherry flavoured pez

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey where have you been?" Chris asked

"Just talking" teddy said grabbing a drink

"You want one?" He asked

"Sure" I said

//time skip you and teddy are at the park while Chris and everyone else is somewhere else//

"Hey! Let's go on the swings" I said grabbing teddys hand 

"O-ok" he said

As we were swinging teddy kept looking at me

"What?" I asked

"Nothing your just really pretty" teddy said then covered his mouth

"O-oh-I-uh" I said

"Listen...y/n I really like you and I have for a long time..." he said

I had no idea what to say but before I could he was leaning in...was he trying to kiss me?

And I leaned in too...

Hi so here's a short chapter for now I'm gonna make a longer one after school ty for reading love y'all 🤪❤️

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