Wow i actually wrote a chapter!! :o

951 15 9

\\time skip to when you guys get the ball because I'm lazy asffff//

"Cmon! Cmon! Cmon! Open it!" We all said

"Give me something to write with!" Benny said

"Her I got a pencil!" Bertram said

"I need a pen not a pencil!" Benny said

"Sorry!" He said back

"Here! Here!" I said handing him a pen

Then Benny wrote- I- I couldn't even read his handwriting i don't know what it said

Apparently Smalls had the same problem I had

"Baby ruthie?" Smalls said

"It says Babe Ruth!" Ham said

"I don't know Benny man" I said

"Yeah yeah that looks pretty crappy" yeah yeah said

"Doesn't matter what it looks like his moms never gonna know the difference! This'll just buy us some time ya dorks!" Benny said

"Yea ok yeah let's go" we said

// time skip to you guys are at the sandlot and Smalls is putting the ball back//

"How are we gonna get that ball back??" I asked

"I don't know y/n but it's gonna be difficult for sure" yeah yeah said

"We'll no shit it will be! It landed in the beasts back yard ya idiot!" I said sarcastically

"Haha" he said rolling his eyes.

"Cmon let's look for it to see where it is" Kenny said

Me,Kenny and benny were hanging on the beasts fence looking over trying to see the ball

Yeah yeahs POV

I might have been looking at y/n when she was on the fence (caught in 4K yeah yeah 🤨📸) but I was interrupted by squints

"Yeah yeah are you checking her out?!" Squints said

"What? No! Shut up squints!" I said annoyed

"You totally we're! Y/n-" he said but I threw my hand over his mouth so he couldn't talk

"Shut It squints!" I said

Back to ur POV

We saw the ball laying in front of the beasts cage thing and I said

"Can't I just jump over and take it? The beast is no where to be seen??"

"No y/n are you crazy?? He may look like he's not there but the beast will jump out and you will never be seen again!" Benny said

"Yeah right!" I said

Then we hear a loud bark and that sent us running off (they're a runner they're a track star- 😭😭)

I screamed and we all jumped off and ran

"Are you ok?!" Yeah yeah said

"Yeah I'm ok thanks" I said

"Get a room please!" The boys said

"Shut up!" We both said at the same time

"Hey!" We said again

K that's all ur getting for now bc I have to do hw but I'm gonna update probably sone time next week on Monday and Wednesday so pls be patient for those and I think I'm gonna continue to do that- update on mondays and Wednesdays just so you guys can know when I'm updating <333 ty guys for reading this love you all <3

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