✨chapter title here✨

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"Kenny please answer!" I said

"Hello?" Kenny said

"Kenny! Thank god! So teddy and me broke up..." I said

"What? Why?" He said

"Well he said it was because I hang out with you and the other boys too much and I told him that you guys were my best friends so I would still hang out with you guys then he broke up with me!" I said

"That asshole! Are you okay y/n" he asked

"Well I'm not ok but I'm not like broken you know?" I said

"No. No I don't y/n that's never happened to me" he said laughing

"Ok well I'm sad but like I'm not crying over it because he doesn't deserve me! It's his loss!" I said

"Y/n that's what you said about you and yeah yeah" he said

"But this time I mean it! He broke up with me for a stupid reason!" I said

"Ok that's true try to get some rest because like  you said it's his loss"

"Yeah bye Kenny" I said and hung up

//time skip to the next day//

It was actually very hot today so I put on a white t shirt with my favorite shorts and red converse and sat on the couch

"Hey y/n mom and dad left for a business trip this morning so we have the whole house to ourselves for the week" my brother said

"K where are you going?" I asked

"To go play with my team" he said

"K but don't bring them here because they always come in my room and annoy me" I said

"Yeah,yeah k bye" he said then walked out the door

"Ugh he's gonna bring them" I said

Then the door bell rang

I opened it to see Kenny

"Hey ken" I said sitting back on the couch

"Don't call me that and cmon were going to the sandlot" he said

"No I don't wanna go today" I said laying down

"Yes your are" he said

"What are you gonna do drag me-" I said but got cut off by him grabbing my ankle and dragged me out the door


Then once we got out the door I grabbed on to the side of the door

"Let go we gotta get to the sandlot!" He said

Then Bertram and squints showed up out of no where

"Guys she won't let go!" Kenny said

They both laughed and when to my hand and pried them off

"She won't let go!" Bertram said

"I don't know tickle her or something!" Kenny said

"No!" I yelled

Then squints went to my stomach's and started tickling me while Kenny still pulling on my leg and Bertram still prying my hands off the door and if course I let go

"Stop!" I screamed

Then Kenny whispered something in their ears and then both nodded and left

And Kenny threw me over his shoulder

"Put me down!" I screamed

"I will when we get to the sandlot!" He said

Yeah yeahs POV

I heard y/n screaming and went out side to see Kenny throwing y/n over his shoulder and walking towards  the sandlot

"I will when we get to the sandlot!" He said

Ugh we were supposed to play at the sandlot today I can't when y/n is there! She will not play if I'm there

Then Bertram and squints walked up to me

"Hey man ready to go to the sandlot?" Squints asked

"Nah I don't think I'm gonna go today" I said and started to  walk away

Then squints stood infront  of me and said

"I don't think so"

Then Bertram grabbed the back of my shirt and  pulled me while squints pushed me

"Seriously?" I asked

"What? We're helping you!" Squints said

Hey besties I have no idea what the fuc that chapter is so have fun reading it love y'all thanks for reading!

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