Get some teddy 😜💅

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Our lips grew closer and closer until...they connected

Wow i was kissing teddy!

"Get some teddy!" I heard someone yell

"You go y/n!" I heard someone else say

We immediately broke the kiss to see Chris, gordie and Vern

Chris and gordie were laughing while Vern was covering his eyes

"My poor eyes!" He screamed

"Shut up!" Teddy said

"I'm happy for you guys-sincerely! But get a room!" Vern said

Yeah yeahs POV

Me and Gianna (so this b is Phillips 'ex' girlfriend that yeah yeah cheated with just to clear that up 💀) were walking in the park-well we were just sitting down making out
Honestly I didn't really like her y/n always made me laugh and she made me happy

This girl didn't she always wanted to make out and she doesn't even play baseball! I could talk to y/n forever about baseball!

"Hey I'm gonna use the bathroom babe" she said without breaking the kiss

"Oh-ok" I said

It had been about 5 minutes and Gianna still hadn't been back

I went to the bathroom and saw her and Phillips almost swallowing each other (I can't- 💀 yw for that image🥶)

I felt sad but also not sad? That was the same thing I did to y/n

I had walked away to think about what I did to y/by then I saw her and that one kid...teddy? I think his name was and they were kissing

"I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest it wasn't the fact that Gianna was with Phillips they deserve each other for all I care... it was seeing y/n with someone else...

I knew I had messed up

I had to do something about it!

But what?

During yeah yeah "planning" or whatever that was I don't even know 💀 then happened (it's also ur POV

"So y/n do you want to be my girlfriend?" Teddy asked

I giggled and said "yes! I would love too!" And hugged him

"Yay! Now can we go home I'm tired!" Gordie said

"Sure Gordon" I said

"I hate when you call me that" he says rolling his eyes

To which teddy laughed

"Shut it Theodore" I said laughing

"Ugh I-"he said but got cut off

"You hate when I call you that I know I know" I said

"Come on let's go home!" I said grabbing his hand

Yeah yeahs POV

I can't believe it he just asked her to be his girlfriend

I know what I have to do!

I have to break them up!

Heyyyy so here's this chapter it is very cringe so pls don't bully me 💀 and again thank you too @milesandbose fir the support and sorry I misspelled your name! 🤦‍♀️
Thank you all for reading love y'all ❤️❤️

(Discontinued/on hold) philips twin sister Where stories live. Discover now