Read the chapter rn. 😐 *points nerf gun*

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The boys had just left and we came up with some ideas to get the ball back but u couldn't stop thinking of yeah yeah...

Why did he kiss me? Why did I kiss back? Do I like him still? Does he like me still? So many questions

After I was done cleaning up I walked next door to his house to his window and knocked

He opened the window "hey y/n?" He said confused

"Hi so I was wondering-w-why did you like- kiss me?" I asked

"Oh-um-I-I don't really know? To be honest I think i might still like you? But I know that you probably don't feel the same-" he said and I cut him off

"Yeah yeah- I understand! Because I think I might still like you too!" I said without thinking

"Forget I said anything- wait- YOU DO?!" He basically screamed

"Yes! Calm down!" I said

"Sorry-" he said but I cut him off by kissing him quickly

"I got to go haha.." I said

"O- oh ok s-see you tomorrow I guess" he said flustered

And I walked away smiling

//time skip b's//

As I laid on my bed I couldn't stop thinking of yeah yeah- more importantly- what are we? Are we a couple? Or??

I'm confused

//the next morning bc I'm lazy asf//

Today we decided we would play base ball instead of looking for the ball because for our plan we needed squints to look out for the beast and squints had to go out of town for the day

We also decided that we would play around 2 pm because Benny had to clean his room and his room is messy so it was gonna take a while

Ham was at a family gathering

Bertram had a family member to show around town

Kenny Had to baby sit his little cousins and smalls was gonna help him

Timmy and tommy had to help their mom with something I forgot what they said

So it was me and yeah yeah

Hey y'all this chapter is short bc I have to go pack for camping 😭😭 so pls bear with me here ty for reading love y'all <333

(Discontinued/on hold) philips twin sister Where stories live. Discover now