Still have no idea what to name this...

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I took a deep breath and...


I hit a homer and I dropped the bat and ran as fast as possible

Just as I was about hit home base I got caught in a

"PICKLE!" Someone yelled

And yeah yeah and ham we're throwing it back and fourth and as ham threw the ball to yeah yeah and I literally dove for home base getting dirt everywhere

//Time skip//

It was now yeah yeah batting and he also hit a homer and just like me he had gotten into a

"Pickle!" I yelled

And he dove but more like face planted for home base

Everyone was now getting water and me and yeah yeah we're just standing there awkwardly

Then I noticed he had dirt on his nose

"You uh have first on your nose let me get it for you" I said rubbing the dirt off his nose

"Oh thanks" he said and blushed

Uh why'd he go that? Oh well and I just smiled

No ones POV

"They need to date again" Bertram said

"Yeah your right" squints said

"Well there nothing wrong with a little push right?" Kenny said smirking

"Hey guys!" Kenny said causing y/n and yeah yeah to jump a little

"Oh hey it's getting late so wanna go home?" Y/n asked

Yeah everyone said

"Ok Kenny can you walk me home?" Y/n asked

"Uh I can't today but yeah yeah can!" He said then push y/n and yeah yeah together causing them to bump heads

"Sorry" they both said

"Yeah yeah do you have a problem with that?" Smalls asked

"Uh I guess not?" He said

"Y/n?" Smalls asked

"No I don't either I guess too" y/n said

"So it's settled! Yeah yeah take y/n home bye!" Smalls said then everyone left

//Smol time skip to when you guys are walking//

Also y/n POV

It was a always silence between us but yeah yeah finally broke the tension and said

"I didn't kiss back..." he said

"What?" I said

"Your brother's girlfriend when she kissed me I pushed her away and didn't kiss back..." he said

"Oh..." was all I could say

"Listen y/n I'm sorry okay? For everything okay? I know you probably hate me but I can't loose you so if you want to be friends then that's more than perfect for me and many in the future we could be more again but only if you want but for now friends?" He said holding out his hand

"Friends" I smiled then hugged how which I don't think he was expecting so at first he didn't hug back but then he did and we walked the rest of the way home talking like things were slightly back to normal

Is this even slightly long enough for y'all? I'm so so so sorry if it's not! I'm trying but my mental health is just like going down right now so I'm sorry that this chapter is kinda short pls bear with me and I gotta do home work right now so pls don't get mad! Thanks for reading love y'all ❤️

(Discontinued/on hold) philips twin sister Where stories live. Discover now