Breaking Point

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    Shit? That's all he can say? He finds out that I found out and all he can say is shit? Does he not realize how I must be feeling?

    " Why didn't you tell me he was here?" Oh now he's talking to the other two. Completely avoid me.

    " It was time for him to know. You can't go to UA anymore so what's the point of you playing games with him?"

    " I was going to hide it until after that summer camp. You know the one where you had planned to kidnap him. I was going to come out without the make-up and say hey Kaachan and watch as his emotions change from wanting to kill you to one of utter despair when he realized who I was and that I had become a villain."

     " Well there's your face of despair." I can't believe he became a... Did he say they were planning to kidnap me? What the hell? You are letting the person you want to kidnap raid your alcohol?

    " It's not good enough."

    " Oh stop acting so spoiled. I swear you've only gotten more annoying since you've started training with Stain."

     " This can't be real." I felt them turn to me. " I must be having another bad dream. Yeah that's it. Yeah ever since the jump these have been happening. Izuku would never become a villain. Never. He wanted to be a hero so badly so he's just off somewhere trying to be a hero. That's it. That's where he is."


    He called me Izuku. Not Deku but Izuku. Did it shock him that much? It's kind of sad. Isn't this what I wanted though? The loud bully to become a muttering mess.

    " I'll wake up soon and start hunting again tomorrow. Yeah that's what'll happen."

    " This is depressing to watch." Shigiraki read my mind.

    " Who am I trying to fool? I turned him into a fucking villain." He slammed down the glass so hard it broke. I unconditionally flinched. " It's all my fucking fault. All I wanted was for him to give up so he wouldn't be disappointed." Is he crying?

    " He does know we're still here right?" I shook my head.

    " I'm sorry Izuku. I know it means nothing to you but I really am sorry." He wasn't saying it to me exactly. He was but not really. It was more like he was letting his feelings out so they would just be out. " I never meant to actually hurt you. When I heard you jumped it killed me. I didn't know that was how I felt so I made shit up. I tried to convince myself that I just didn't want the guilt but really I knew I deserved it." Shit is that true?

    " Don't you even think about it. Don't let the consequences of your actions make you change your mind. You still have yet to finish the last bit of your mission." How the hell?

    " I knew I deserved the pain. I deserved every bit of it. Shit even my grades are starting to suffer. All because I'm an idiot that thought violence was the only way to get you to give up on being a hero. Well I did a good fucking job of that. Made you give up on life then you turned villain." His head dropped onto the counter and the tears continued to fall. I was torn between comforting him or standing here staring. " Why am I such a fuck up?"

    " You're not a fuck up." Is Shigiraki comforting him for me?

    " What would you know? You didn't cause your best friend to dice off of a fucking building."

    " No I just killed my parents so what do I know about being a fuck up. I wear my father's hand on my face. Not fucked up at all."

    " I guess that's pretty fucked up." He let out a small laugh. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence he spoke again. " Izuku promise me one thing."

    " What?"

    " After you're done getting your revenge come back. Please. I honestly didn't mean to hurt you that badly. I didn't want you to get hurt by the rest of the world." Shit.

    " I don't think I can promise that. Aizawa knows I have been training with the hero killer himself."

    " No he knows that Takahashi has been working with the hero killer." What is he getting at. " Only two other people know you are the Midoriya boy I've been looking for. You can come back. I know you can."

    " What if I don't want to come back? The only people who have accepted me lives here." I saw him wince. Why did that hurt? Is Midoriya really coming back? Did he even leave?

    " Fine whatever. If you do ever decide to come back the key is where it's always been." He stood up and left. Didn't give me a chance to reply. He just left.


    I went straight to the police station. Not to tell them that I found Izuku Midoriya. Instead I told them to close the case. Announce him dead to the world. I'm not going to continue looking for him.

    The guy agreed to close the case. He didn't even question why. He saw my tear streaked face and just agreed. The one good thing that comes with crying.

     I went home after that. I turned off my phone not wanting to deal with All Might asking why the police called saying the case was closed. I didn't want to listen to Kirishima's apologies for keeping it a secret. I didn't want to deal with anyone.

     I didn't bother to go eat dinner when my mother told me to go eat. I didn't bother with explaining why I was upset to her. I didn't do anything other than lay in my bed and stare at the picture on the shelf. The one of me and Izuku holding up our new All Might action figures. How could I have hurt him bad enough to do this?

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