Plotting and Execution

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    " And you talked with this Dabi person?" Todoroki has been telling Mr. Aizawa everything, including the visit to the hideout.

    " My brother, yes. I let my emotions get the better of me. I shouldn't have done it but just the thought of talking with Touya."

    " I'm not mad at you about it. I understand your reasoning. What concerns me the most is you were at the hideout, talked with a villain, and Shigiraki was there. You could have been hurt or forced to stay. I also find it shocking that they cleared out for a student.

    " Taka made sure to ensure my safety during the visit."

    " Well at least you are safe. Just don't go there again. No matter what is offered. You may have gotten out safe this time but I don't want to have to go rescue you, or any of you for that matter."

    " I don't think Taka will allow the league to take any of us hostage. He seems to have a rather large say in what happens at the base." Aizawa sighed.

    " Something must have happened after the USJ incident if he really does have a large say."

    " I think it has more to do with the Stain thing. According to Taka most are there because they want to work with the group that raised a survivor of a Stain attack." Todoroki explained.

    " Well if your theory is right the only reason you three survived is because of Takahashi's relationship with Stain himself. That also means that the class may have been right about the boy." Todoroki remembered how even he was skeptical about Takahashi's loyalty. Now some of that suspicion is coming back. Could his friend really be a villain here to gather information?  " Actually I think I may use you for something. You said he gathered a lot of files right?"

    " Yes sir." Aizawa began to explain his plan to Todoroki. " But isn't that a bit risky?"

    " It is but I'm confident that you will be able to pull it off." Todoroki was nervous. Could he really pull that off? If so then this could jeopardize his friendship with Taka.

    " What if you're wrong? What if I'm caught?"

    " I have a plan for that. You're not going to be doing this until next week. By then everything will make sense." Todoroki nodded.

    " I'll do my best sir." In truth Aizawa knew that the kid wouldn't be able to do this without getting caught. He just needed to gauge how Takahashi reacted.

Oh what a lovely day to be lazy

    A week came and passed. Todoroki was going to the hideout with Takahashi. Yesterday Aizawa gave Todoroki an emergency button. If things turn south and Todoroki begins to feel like he can't escape without help he will press the button and his location will be texted to Aizawa immediately.  If that happens Aizawa and a few other teachers will go get Todoroki to safety. He was also rigged with a microphone that was set to turn on with Aizawa's computer. When class ended and the boys left the school Aizawa turned it on.

    " Don't worry. They left again today so you are safe. I don't know why we couldn't just study at your house though. Your father seems to like me so it wouldn't have been weird or anything."

    " When your father likes your friend more than you it kinda makes things awkward. I prefer your father hating me to listening to my father spend an hour talking to you." Takahashi held his hands up in surrender and laughed.

    " Ok I get it. I'm not complaining or anything. Plus it's good for them to get out some. They will be soon anyways." Takahashi muttered the last part.

    " What was that?"

    " Oh I was just saying that Toga has been looking kind of pale. She really needs to get some sunlight." Todoroki knew that wasn't what the teen beside him said but didn't press for more information. " Ok we've reached that point. Blindfold."

    " I know how to get there from my house I don't think I need a blindfold."

    " If you don't go in with a blindfold Shiggy will get mad. I don't think you want to see him mad." Todoroki sighed and put on the blindfold. He hated loosing control of one of his senses.

    About three minutes later they walked through the door. Takahashi tore off the blindfold and tossed it to Shigiraki. He was once again sitting at the bar, glaring at the sight of the outsider.

    " Come on Todoroki. Let's go to my room. I had Dabi deactivate all of the traps before he left so you don't have to worry about where you step." That was a little comforting for the hero in training. Seeing what those traps did to those knives spooked him a bit.

    Half an hour into their studying session Todoroki asked his friend to go find him a non-alcoholic beverage. The teen agreed and left Todoroki alone in the room. Todoroki took this chance to do what he was told to do.

    He went to the filing cabinet and looked for the drawer that held the file he was told to retrieve. When he looked though he didn't see it. There was none under that name. He looked in the drawer for the letter of his first name. It's not there either.

    " I figured you may be here for more than studying." Todoroki froze. Aizawa, who was listening in began to record the conversation. " You know you could have just asked. Who are you looking for?" Should I tell him or give up? Those were the words that was going through Todoroki's head at that moment. " Come on. Tell me. I'll get you their file."

    " Izuku Midoriya." The glass in Takahashi's hand shattered.

    " Did Bakugou convince you to find information for him?"

    " No. I just want to know why Bakugou is dead set on finding him. If Bakugou hates him so much then he must have something about him that makes Bakugou want to find him."

    " I'm sorry Todoroki. I don't have a file on him. All the information I have on him is up here. Plus if I did have a file I wouldn't let you see it. Midoriya doesn't want to be found."

    " Then at least tell me this. How long have you been training with Stain? During the midterms I came back in case you needed help but I saw you fighting Aizawa. It didn't take long for me to recognize the moves you were using."

    " I knew you'd find out. After we fought Stain decided I was worthy to train as his successor. I agreed but I'm not going to kill heroes. Just wanted to learn some more combat skills." Aizawa stopped recording. He got what he needed. " I think you should remove the wires now that your buddy is done getting what he needs. Let's have a talk between the two of us."

    Both Todoroki and Aizawa froze. How had they been caught? They were careful to not let him know. Todoroki checked and no wires were showing.

    " How did.."

    " You stretched earlier and I saw the wires. I assume Aizawa or someone similar is on the other side listening in. And if that is true I assume that I am no longer allowed to show up to school. Now remove the wires Shoto."

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