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    " If you knew why did you just give up the information?" Todoroki asked after removing the wires.

    " I didn't tell the whole truth. In fact shortly after the sports festival I began training with Stain. He just toughened the training after we fought."

    " Still you can't go to the school now. You'd be arrested on the spot."

    " Eh so what. School sucks anyways."

    " The whole class will know."

    " One of them already did know and was sworn to silence."

    " WHAT?"

    " Well they knew my target."

    " You have a target?"

    " Of course I have a target. I wouldn't be training with Stain if I didn't have a target. He wouldn't allow it."

    " Ok if you was giving up your whole story then why didn't you say anything about Midoriya?"

    " Because Midoriya doesn't want to be found. You know this already."

    " Why does everyone want to find him then? I don't see what's so great about him."

    " That's why he doesn't want to be found. Because nothing is great about him. He's pathetic. He can't fight. No one would remember him if it wasn't for the jump. In fact most people have already forgotten him and his jump. Nothing is keeping him here so he left. Told me to not let anyone find him."

    "  Then why are you playing with Bakugou if you know he's not going to be able to find Midoriya?"

    " Because Bakugou will be able to find him. I just know it."

Meanwhile with Bakugou

    " Why is it so fucking hard to find one kid?"

    " To be fair you guys don't have much to go on." Kirishima had joined them today. He was looking at everything they had found and the file the police had given them.

    " Tell me again why Kirishima is here." All Might had to explain his whole weak form to the kid.

    " He knows something we don't but he's not allowed to say so he's going to point us in the right direction."

    " The thing is you guys know where he is but you don't know that you know. Why is there a paper with weird lines on it?"

    " So if All Might ever saw that symbol he could find the message beside it. Some of them was just old messages we had passed." Kirishima seemed to understand.

    " So these are messages that are scratched in the walls in the city. All mildly threatening but hold another meaning to you guys for pushing the kid over the edge."

    " How does he know that?" All Might asked.

    " Like he said earlier I know stuff you don't. Ok how do I give you a hint without coming out and telling you what I know?" This is going to be frustrating. I just know it.

    " Start small. Like maybe a landmark or something." All Might suggested.

    " All I can think of is the exact location he's at now. If I say then the shadows will tell Takahashi and I will be in trouble."

    " Are you sure giving us hints is ok?" I asked. I may not like the guy but I can't have someone else getting hurt because of me.

    " Yeah I'm sure." He waved off my question like it was nothing and continued to think. " I've got it! Alcohol!"

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