Sports Festival

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    Somehow I made it to the end. Somehow I got to the final battle. It's a bad pairing for me and I know he knows it too. That's why he's smirking like that. Most would chalk it up to his personality but after knowing him for this long I know that look well. That's the look he gives when he knows he's going to win.

    " LET THE FINAL MATCH BEGIN." Midnight yelled.

    We both stood there for longer than we should have. Both of us was waiting for the other to charge forward. When he realized that I wasn't going to he came at me.

    Right hook first. Easy dodge. I grabbed his arm and twisted, making him fall flat on his back. He reached up with his other had to send an explosion but I have him where I need him. His shadow may be small but it's there. All I need is to connect my shadow with it.

    " I'm not letting you win nerd." He quickly moved himself to send the explosion near my shadow, causing it to retreat. " You spend too much time thinking and not enough time doing. Just like someone else I know."

    " Stop comparing me to that useless boy. He's a coward and didn't have the courage to tell you or anyone else how he felt." He looked taken aback by my words.

    " And how would you know how he felt?"

    " The same way I learned about how you felt about him. Through a competition that resulted in him spilling his secrets. It sad that you can't last long in those things." He swung at me and I dodged.

    " I know for a fact that he can hold his liquor. You're lying."

    "What else do you know?" I landed a hit to his side but he recovered quickly and flipped me onto the ground."

    " I know you're make up is starting to come off, pretty boy. " Shit. " What are you hiding for. Come on and tell me."

    " I'm not hiding anything. I just don't like to look in the mirror and see my father's face. Who wants to be reminded that their parents kill for a living every time they see themselves?" That made him back off but not enough to avoid being captured.

    " Shit." Was all he said when he felt me taking control and paralyzing him.

    " Katsuki Bakugo can't move. Hide Takahashi takes first place." Bakugou could only move his eyes and he used this to glare at me.

    I walked off of the stage to go rest before the awards ceremony. Once Bakugou was released from my bindings he started raging. I would too if I was in his position so I'm not going to make a big deal out of it.

* The glorious Time god's have blessed us with a skip *

    So I had to wait longer than usual because the he had to be knocked out by Midnight's quirk. Apparently he wouldn't stop throwing a tantrum otherwise. Since he got second he has to be at the awards ceremony.

    When we were finally ready to continue he had been strapped in and muzzled like a dog. We were each on our own circles about to rise up to the stadium. I noticed something though. He looked scared and maybe even a little hurt. He was being treated like a monster.

    " Look at me, Kaachan." Now his look morphed into one of shock.

    " Mphfnrid krnsjheb dke." He tried to yell at me but the muzzle was making it difficult to understand.

    " I don't know what you just said. I just want you to calm down so they can unstrap you. If you go out there looking like that it's going to be harder for you to be viewed as a hero." Anger flashed in his eyes but I know he understands where I'm coming from.

    " Takahashi just leave it. He looks ready to kill."

    " You did too during your match with Sero. They didn't strap you up like some kind of monster. Hey you! Yeah you come over and undo Bakugou's bindings." One of the attendants looked terrified but they still listened.

    " Why the hell did you do that? You could have just let them humiliate me like you did earlier." His voice was rising.

    " The look in your eyes. Something happened to you and you remembered it when the muzzle was on. I don't know what it is but it must have been traumatic."

    " I don't need your pitty."

    " It's not pity. I just don't want you to feel like shit right now."

    " I don't." He snapped.

    " Ok hey put the muzzle on him again." I motion for the guy to come back.

    " You do and I'll kill you." The guy backed off. " And don't ever call me Kaachan."

    " What are you talking about?" I didn't call him Kaachan did I?

    " You said look at me, Kaachan." Todoroki pointed out. Fuck.

    The platforms started to raise. The ceiling opened up and I heard Midnight announcing that we are the winners.

    All Might stood in front of us. Of course he's the one to hand us the medals. I took great pleasure in hearing some of the crowd boo him. Guess those people remember the little note I left.

    The first medal went to Todoroki and Tokoyami since they shared third. He hugged them and whispered something in their ear. Next up was Bakugou. He tried to refuse the medal but eventually All Might got him to wear it. He whispered something in Bakugou's ear that made his eyes widen. Next was me. I let him out the medal on me but when he went to say something to me I just held up my hand.

    " Just don't bother. There is nothing you can say to make this situation better All Might." I drew out the name in a cold fashion.

    This earned me a few stares and since All Might was wearing a microphone the crowd also heard me. Some of the crowd was happy to hear that I didn't particularly like the hero. The other part of the crowd was shocked but All Might just shook it off.  This isn't the reaction I wanted. I wanted. I wanted him shook up.

    He just turned around and showed us off to the crowd. They all cheered and clapped. The knot in my stomach grew tighter. I hate being the center of attention but I have to be. I have to make sure I am not too suspicious. I can't let anyone find out. Not yet anyways.

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