No leaving without goodbye

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    On my last day in town I hung out with the league. We played games. Not normal games like truth or dare, mainly because when we do someone always asks a question that's way to personal, no we play fun games. We will print out pictures o heroes and pin them to the wall. Then we will give them points and throw knives at them to see who gets the most points.

    When I won most people blamed it on my traveling with Stain, but the truth is Stain stopped training me not long after I helped take down All Might. He had said that I had nothing else to learn. If I could take down the number one hero then I don't need training. So instead I have been training myself.

    Stain just lets me tag along. I travel Japan with him and find things to do in each town. Sometimes I'll do something people consider as bad and others I won't. I never get in Stain's way though. He tells me who he's going to kill and on what nights so I know to stay away in case he gets caught.

    We have a list of codes and things to follow. If he doesn't show up 48 hours after a kill then leave without him. If he gets caught don't try to save him. If I get caught, well that's my problem. He may try to save me may not. All depends on his mood. We travel at night as we are less likely to be seen then. Especially since I can use my shadows to hide us if someone passes.

    I don't use my shadows much though. I don't like to look back at the time evil pretty much consumed me. All because I thought revenge was the best way to go.

    Now when I break the law I just do it for fun. For the thrill of doing something that others consider bad. If I kill the person deserved it. If I steal it's because the place would have cheated me out of what money I have.

    The biggest thing I've done since I've left though was kill a hero that was ignoring a cry for help. I went over to investigate the call and there was a girl whose leg was stuck under part of a collapsed building. From the looks of it it was an old playhouse.

    Yeah something fell on him and he died. That's what the news reported anyways. Alit can go wrong when you're moving things rooftop to rooftop you know.

    Well now it's about time to say goodbye to my friends again. I don't know when I'll come back again. What major things happen next for Bakugou? Or anyone for that matter?

    " Do you really have to go again?" Toga whined. I think she's struck a fancy to me. Awkward.

    " Stain leaves tonight so yes. He hasn't told me where he's going so I can't just meet up with him there."

    " Well you know the rules. Be careful. Don't end up in jail. And..." Dabi trailed off so I would have to finish.

    " Kick some major ass at life." He loved to make stupid fun rules to end off the boring ones.

     " Good kid." A knock at the door alerted us all. Who the hell knows where we are? How did they find us?

    I got up to answer the door. I was one of the two normal looking ones and the only one without a price on my head. Wait that was a lie. I have the biggest price on my head.

    I opened the door and had the wind knocked out of me. Help a monster has got me. Call animal control. Call the FBI. Call the pound. Call the... Oh wait it's just Bakugou.

    " How the hell did he find us?" Shigiraki asked. He's gotten pretty used to this blond ending up at the base.

    " How could you think about leaving without saying bye to me first? Again!" He was half yelling.

    " You're not going to tell anyone where we're at right?" Dabi asked from behind me.

    " I did say bye. I said bye yesterday at the license place."

    " This is a breach of our secrecy. We may have to kill him." Spinner growled out.

    " Oh my god I'm not going to tell anyone. It was hell to find this place to begin with. The fact that you turned a workshop into a bar though. What is it with you guys and bars?"

    " Bars are cool. Fuck you."

    " HEY!" They snapped their attention to me. " We do not be rude to guests. You may be villains but you should still act human." Their moods suddenly shifted to that of a three year old that got in trouble. " Come on in. It's a bit cold out. I promise they won't bite. I've still got a bit before I leave to find Stain."

    He stepped in and the mood shifted again. It was a mix of kill the kid and then, from Dabi, make sure he stays safe. Dabi promised me one night that he would protect Bakugou when I'm gone. I guess the instincts kicked in now.

    " Does Aizawa know you're gone?" I asked.

    " I told him I was leaving campus for a bit. He told me to stay safe. I bet he'd flip out if he knew where I was. I think those three idiots know though. They've been watching me like a hawk since you showed up at UA."

    " UA. When the hell did you go there?" Shigiraki asked. I didn't tell them about that. Only Dabi knew.

    " Oh we're they not supposed to know? Oops."

    " It doesn't matter. They can stay mad at me while I'm gone. It'll pass. What did you mean by three idiots? Only Shoto and Kirishima knew."

    " About that.... Imayhavetoldkaminariwhileiwasupset." If it was anyone else they wouldn't have understood.

    " You told the biggest idiot in class?" He nodded. " Well I can't really blame you for it. It was my actions that caused you to react the way you did. I bet he was the only one stupid enough to approach you when you were upset. That part of my life is over. I'm no longer the Takahashi kid who helped take down All Might. I'm back to being Izuku. Not the weak Izuku either. A stronger version of Izuku."

    " So you are back. Just not back." I nodded. This seemed to make him happy because next thing I knew he had hugged me tight enough to pick me up off of the ground.

    " If I didn't know any better I would think the kid never hated him but I know better." Shigiraki said. I just flipped him off. I don't like it when they bring up that part of my story.

    " Hey Bakugou? How did little Shoto react after he left?"

    " Told me to turn him in. Several times. Finally I grew tired of it and mentioned you. That shut him up. Kiri and Kami didn't know why though."

    " Figured as much."

    " Kirishima was on my side. So was Kaminari. They don't think Izuku should be in jail." Suddenly I my phone rang.

    " Sup snickerdoodle?"

    " I told you not to call me that. Are you ready to go?"

    " Let me get my things and say bye first. I'll meet you where we met for our first night of training."

    " Ok. I'll be there." I hung up.

    " Well I've got to go. I'll see you all soon." Oof. What is it with the wind getting knocked out of me? Did everyone just come at me at once? Let me see. I see Kaachan, Dabi and Shiggy. Toga hugs my leg so she's there. Twice hugs me from behind and Spinner tends to hug me by hugging Dabi and Twice. The others fall in. Yep everyone came at me. There is a hero in training hugging a villain with a lot of villains. That's something else.

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