A little message

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    It was two in the morning when I arrived at the new base. I didn't tell anyone I arrived. I didn't want to wake anyone. Instead I had a shadow pick the lock to open the door for me.

    I walked in and saw everyone scattered around the room sleeping. It was another bar. Toga was draped over the counter. Dabi was asleep on the couch. Shigiraki and Twice was both cuddling each other which I found adorable. Giri was somewhere. Compress and Mags was in corners. Spinner was curled in the middle of the floor. I decided to squeeze into the couch with Dabi. He didn't wake up. He just held me like I was a stuffed animal.

    I woke up to a lot of talking. Excited talking to be precise. What's so exciting? Is someone pregnant? Is someone engaged? Did someone already have a baby? Steal a kid? More importantly why is someone holding me?

    " Shut up. Don't wake him up." Oh yeah I'm back with the league. I joined Dabi in the couch.

    " I don't see why he chose the couch.  He could have fallen off." Toga whined.

    " Dabi wouldn't let me fall. I trust that much." I said with my eyes closed.

    " There's your answer. When did you get in kid?"

    " Around two. I didn't want to wake anyone so I let myself in." I turned around and burrows my face into his chest. " I need more sleep so everyone shut up."

    Everyone got silent and I was able to go back to sleep. So they still listen to me. Good to know. I was able to sleep a few more hours before my body naturally woke up.

    After a lot of explaining what I had been doing I was finally able to go do what I wanted to do. I borrowed Dabi's hoodie and made my way to UA. I used the intercom to call the office to request entrance. It was granted so I went to the front office as is required. I look nothing like Takahashi did and more like the old me. More like Izuku Midoriya.

    " Hello what can I do for you child?" Nezu asked.

    " I would like to meet with a student after he is done with training today."

    " And which student is that?" He asked.

    " Katsuki Bakugou." I could see the mistrust brewing in the rat bear.

    " May I ask why you want to meet with that specific student?"

    " He's an old friend. I finally got time to come check up on him after everything. I'm sure he would be glad to see me."

    " And what is your name child?"

    " People call me Deku."

    I will grant you permission but know this. If anything happens to that kid you are going straight to the police station." I nodded. I agree to these terms. " Training ends in half an hour. You may wait at the dorms."

Half an hour later

    I was waiting in the common area scrolling through my phone. They should be coming any minute now. Dabi asked where I was and I just said I was meeting with someone who want some information.

    I heard laughter and the door opened. I heard the familiar voices talking about special moves. It died down quickly. I had been noticed. The air tensed up. I had to stop myself from activating my quirk because everyone would immediately know who I was.

    " Who are you and why are you here?" I heard Mina ask.

    " My name doesn't matter. I'm just here to talk with an old friend. I would have thought Nezu would inform Aizawa to inform the previously mentioned friend." I could hear the confusion forming. " I heard that said friend was hunting for me a while back. Well I'm here. Come on out Kaachan."

    I turned to face them with a big smile. Within seconds he was in front of me and pulled me in for a hug. Well as best he could with me on the couch. I could see over his should and the class looked shocked. Bakugou rarely shows emotion. Two faces showed disgust.

    " What are you doing here Izuku? You are supposed to be gone." Something wet hit my shoulder. " Are you coming back? For good?"

    " Not for good Kaachan. I finally found something to do that makes me happy. I'll visit though and I'll watch you become the number one hero.

    I now travel Japan with Uncle S. He's not as bad as he used to be. He toned down a bit to make sure I stay safe. Since he's going to be near here for a few weeks in going to watch you get your provisional license." He pulled back and stared at me.

    " Uncle S as in S or S?"

    " The s that I kept from hurting you not the s that..." I coughed so he knew and the others didn't. Only Todoroki understood.

    " And this makes you happy? Are you..."

    " Yes it makes me happy and not as much." He sighed and began pacing. Most of class a was completely confused about what was going on. Todoroki and Kirishima gave me a look that read that I better not be plotting anything against class a.

    " Where are you staying while you're here?"

    " With Big Bro." Bakugou looked confused but Todoroki understood.

    " What's he up to?" Todoroki asked. That's when Bakugou understood. I'm guessing Todoroki told him. Class A just looked even more confused. Now Todoroki is talking like he knows this kid.

    " As far as I know he is just spending his days taking care of everyone else." He nodded. As long as they aren't planning anything.

    " I'm sure I could convince the school to let you stay here."

    " Big Bro will make sure I'm taken care of. I just wanted to let you know what I've been doing. From what I've heard you really wanted to know. I'll be cheering you on Kaachan. Become the hero that both of us wanted to be. Do it for me Kaachan." I hopped over the back of the couch.

    " Are you sure you're happy traveling with Uncle S?" I nodded. " Then I will stop hoping for you to come back." My chest tightened. I want him happy too. I gave him a hug so I could whisper in his ear.

    " Soon Kaachan. I'll come back soon. Wait for me ok?" I knew he knew what I meant by the way he sucked in a breath. I let go. " Well I better go before Nezu sends Aizawa after me. Goodbye Kaachan. I'll see you soon. And good luck on your upcoming exam class a. I know you'll all make good heroes." I walked towards the door and the sea of kids parted for me. Goodbye UA. I don't know if I'm ever going to walk these halls again.

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