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Timeskip gods have blessed us again

    I was hoping to go against All Might with this exam but I was not selected. I'm sort of glad though because I'd have to work with Bakugou if I was selected. Instead I'm going against Aizawa with Todoroki.

    Our plan is to keep a shadow in front of us. If it goes away that means he sees us. At that point we split up and run, activating our quirks to see if Aizawa followed us. Whoever he doesn't follow heads to the gate. Of course I have different plans.

     The shadow shrunk back to the wall. Todoroki nodded and dashed away I went into an alley and waited. Trying to activate my quirk I can tell he is still watching me.

    " If you're not going to capture me just get down and fight. I want to see how well my training is paying off." 

    " You are an odd one Takahashi. Ok I'll humor you."  He hopped down from his perch on the roof and swung at me. I expected that and dodged.

    The fight lasted a while. I have no idea how much time passed. I could tell at the beginning that he was holding back but after I landed a few hits on him he quickly changed his style to not holding back.


    I was watching Takahashi fight Aizawa with Recovery Girl. I had already passed my match but Todoroki and Takahashi were still at it. Recovery Girl told me that after Todoroki found out that he wasn't being chased he turned back around to find his partner instead of heading to the gate. From the looks of it in the screen he is hidden somewhere watching the same fight as me.

    Aizawa is struggling and Takahashi is not holding back. Aizawa doesn't even have his quirk activated but Takahashi is still using his fist to fight. Something about his fighting style doesn't feel right. A flip back made something in my brain click.

    " Oh my god." The way he moves reminds me of Stain. When Stain was dodging an ice attack he moved like that. I looked over to Todoroki and he seemed to realize too. Takahashi is fighting like Stain.

    " Is everything alright dear?"

    " Yeah. I just remembered something." Takahashi used his shadows to put cuffs on Aizawa and finished the exam.

At the fight

    " That was a fun fight. Felt like it was lasting too long though. I don't think Todoroki was heading to the gate like we planned. Oh well we passed. I'll see you later Aizawa Sensei." With that Takahashi walked to the gate and left.

    " That kid is strong. It's terrifying to think that if I hadn't have been using all of my speed and strength he could have easily won." Aizawa was worried. Not many kids are strong enough to take on a pro hero with ease.

    Todoroki on the other hand was leaning against the wall of the building, shook. He had only met Stain once during a fight but he would recognize those moves anytime. Those are the moves of the killer. Moves like those are hard to learn by memory. He was almost certain that one of the few people he trusted was training with Stain.

    " It would explain how he was able to be casual about the whole fight. Even an expert swordsman would have a hard time keeping up with Stain but Taka kept up with ease. It was like they had fought before."

    " So you guys have met Stain." As Todoroki was deep in thought he hadn't realized that his teacher had came up behind him, or that he was voicing his thoughts.

    " During our field training. We had fought him. I am ashamed to say that I had done so without permission."

    " Well I can't punish you. Telling Endeavor would be pointless as well. All I'm concerned about is that last part you mentioned. Come to my office and tell me everything you know about Hide Takahashi."

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