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    "Master, you're up. The boy said he would consider joining us." Guess this guy is powerful. Tomura's voice changed to one of respect and is not at all like the one he used to convince me.

    " Tell me boy, what caused you to jump?" Oh so he's talking to me now.

    " Years of people treating me like I'm useless." Just because he's powerful I'm not going to change my voice. I'm still annoyed.

    " Would you like to get revenge on those people? We can help you with that. Our main goal here is to destroy the person who is holding this society up. The Symbol of Peace." I couldn't help the smirk that stretches across my face.

    " Now that is something I'd like to help with."

    " Dang from your book you seemed like the ultimate All Might fan. What did he do to you?" Tomura asked.

    " Let's just say he's the one who gave the final push. So what can you guys do to help?" I asked in the direction of the voice.

    " So you will join? Good. I think we can use you as a spy. But first let's give you something to use as a weapon. Bring the boy to me."

Time Skip

    If I wasn't sore before I am now. Whatever this guy did to me, it's painful. There is a humming running through my body. Didn't that teacher say that's what a quirk feels like?

    " Shadow. You will go by the name of Shadow from now on in the villain world. When out and about you go by your normal name." This guy is even more intimidating in person. " Kurogiri will train you to use your new power. This power should be enough to get you in so learn how to use it. Kurogiri take him away now. I need to recuperate." Wow no explanation for what the power is or what he did to me.

    The portal engulfed me before I could ask. Shigaraki was waiting for us on the couch. He looked annoyed that he was told to stay behind. I guess it makes sense.

    " What happened Giri?" Giri? Must be a nickname.

    " He gave the boy a quirk. The quirk allows him to manipulate shadows and use them to attack, possess, and defend." Wait that guy did give me a quirk. Wow.

    " Well kid do you know the basics of how to use a quirk like that?" I nodded. " Well then give it a go."

    " Not yet." He stared at me for a minute then shook his head.

    " You were quirkless your whole life yet the moment you get one you don't even want to try it."

     Idiot thinks I'm actually serious. I am trying it. Based on what Kurogiri said this quirk works with the shadows so I need to focus on the shadows to use my quirk and try to get them to move. The thing is I don't know how to move the shadows.

    " Try moving your fingers." Kurogiri whispered so only I could hear it. He knows what's up. I moved my pointer finger in my left hand and something moved.

    " Like seriously try it. We need to know where you stand right now so you can improve."

    The shadow is moving based on what finger I use. My pointer makes it move left, middle makes it move down, ring is right, and pinky is up. But that's only on the wall. Why is the shadows on the ground not moving?

    " Are you even listening to me?" I snap back into the conversation.

    " Oh sorry. I've got a headache." I use my right hand to point to my head and notice the shadows on the floor jerk in the same direction. Oh so left is for elevated surfaces right is for the ground.

    " So what if you have a headache. You agreed to join and got a quirk. You need to take this seriously. One small screw up and..." I had been moving the shadows and found out that I can remove them from surfaces. Currently one is wrapped around his mouth.

    " I'm not an idiot Tomura. You said that yourself." I released my fist, how I got it to grab him, and the shadows went back to where they were. " Of course I was going to try out my quirk but I wasn't going to let my test subject know. The warp gate said that it can be used to attack so of course that's the first thing I try."

     I swear if looks could kill I'd be six feet under. This guy does not like being a test subject. Oh well. If he kills me I won't have to worry about dealing with annoyances like Kaachan anymore. It was nice knowing ya quirk.

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