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A short time skip to the future. Oooh

"No stabby stab."

" Yes stabby stab." Toga jumped up to grab the knife from Dabi. Dabi heald it up higher.

" You hurt Moonfish."

" He's creepy." She began to scale Dabi's body to get the knife. Dabi just threw the knife across the room and the short boy who had walked into the line of fire caught it just in time.

" We need to get ready to go over the plan one last time before we leave. Stop horsing around and get in the meeting room." He said dryly. Toga hopped off of Dabi and grabbed the knife from the boys outstretched hand.

" I figured you would be against this whole thing considering everything." The boy tensed up. He wasn't ok with this but he had to do it. The only way to dismantle the symbol is to take away something he loved.

" I have a goal and to reach that goal I need to do this." The boy walked to the meeting room leaving Dabi alone.

Again Dabi began to worry about the boy. He's not going to hold up long and the older one knew it. In fact everyone could feel the change from when they first met him. He was no longer laughing or offering to fight people. He stayed locked in his room unless he was called to come out by Shigiraki or the big boss.

" Oh Dabi you finally made it. Now we can go over the plan before leaving tomorrow." Shigiraki said. He pulled out a whiteboard with a map drawn on it in great detail. " Mustard when given the signal you will be located here. You will release your gas to knock out as many people as possible.

Dabi you and twice will be here. You will do the opposite of what that strange american bear says. Only you can start this forest fire.

Twice you will make a double of Dabi and hold off that annoying guy Eraserhead for as long as possible

The rest of you will cause chaos but remember our main target. Get the boy. You have permission to kill anyone else." The villains clapped. Well a certain green haired one didn't. He didn't want the guy kidnapped or the others killed. He didn't want to attack the students but he knew that he needed to to knock the number one hero down a peg or two.

Time Skip brought to you by Todoroki making smores

The signal was given and everyone went to their places. Takahashi went with Muscular on the mountain. He didn't want to go down where the students are.

" Hey Taka there's a child here." Muscular called out to the boy behind him.

" How is that my problem? Just find a different place to sit and wait."

" I'mma kill it." Muscular pick up the small kid who was crying now and grabbed an arm, ready to rip it off.

" No. Let the child run off. We are here for someone else." The big guy dropped the kid. He respected Takahashi and wasn't going to dissobay him.

" You're lucky. Now go cry to your parents you little brat." The kid punched Muscular in the crown jewels and ran off to find the pussycats.

Meanwhile a Dabi double was fighting with Aizawa. By the time the double had turned to nothing but mud the boy had ran up to him.

" Kota why do you terrified?" Obviously because villains are attacking.

" A big big man was about to kill me but then this boy around the students age saved me. He said something about being here for someone else." Aizawa raised an eyebrow at this. A boy the students age, a group of villains, and a target? Shit their after him.

" Go to the main building and stay there. I've got to get to Mandalay. Run." The teacher ran off to find the pussycats fighting a lizard and a guy with a giant magnet. " Mandalay tell the students I give them permission to fight and that Bakugou Katsuki needs to be protected." Aizawa had erased the magnet guys quirk and wrapped his scarf around the lizard.

Students of UA. Eraserhead has given you all permission to fight back. There is also a target. Katsuki Bakugou should be protected at all cost.

Bakugou growled. Of course their after him. Wasn't what happened at the bar enough? They just had to target him more huh.

" Fucking League. Wasn't everything else enough?" He dodged a sharp tooth that was sent his way.

" Watch out Bakugou." Todoroki sent up an ice wall to slow down one that Bakugou almost fell into.

Back up on the mountain the smaller villain was pacing. He knew it was only a matter of time before the kids got permission to fight back.

" This is boring. I'm heading down there." Muscular jumped down the cliff and ran into the trees. The boy followed because he knew no one would survive if he didn't. This is going to end badly.

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